Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tensions rising on Lok

Date: 280807
Planet: Lok
Region: Central Lok

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

The planet Lok in the Karthakk system is a hostile, wild world. Rivers of acid and harsh deserts dominate the terrain, and the population has a long tradition of independence, even piracy.

It comes as no surprise that the planet has been attracting more than its normal share of trouble most of the time. Nym’s feud with the Bloodrazor and Canyon Corsair pirates is in company these days.

A trandoshan slaver organisation based in central Lok seems on the outs with other locals, as well as under pressure from outside criminal syndicates. While no outright hostilities have been reported, it seems just a matter of time until someone builds the right alliance and brings matters to a head.

Piracy is at an all-time high, with pirate ships becoming more daring each week, preying on freighters of all kinds. Next to Nym, pirates can count on a few spots on the planets to rest and repair or refit their ships, and the loot gotten from some freighters alone should allow them to set up extensive compounds.

And as if this was not enough already, Imperial forces operating out of the Outpost Epsilon are spreading their influence over the planet, patrolling central Lok regularly in force. From what is known, this is done with the goal to crack down on smugglers, especially those supporting the rebel alliance. House to house searches and checkpoints at chokepoints are to be expected, so travellers to and from Lok better renew the licenses for all their devices they use for self-defense – wouldn't want to have the Empire mistake your weapon collection for a cargo meant to supply the rebels.

All in all, Lok seems a powderkeg waiting for a spark.

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