Thursday, September 20, 2007

Desilijic cartel fleet blockades Lok – Underworld tensions grow?

Date: 260807
Planet: Lok
Region: Lok Spacestation

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, posted for Celox).

A large fleet of ships was reported in orbit, over Lok, yesterday night.
Lok’s starport officials state, that the fleet was positively identified to belong to Skocha the Hutt.

The GNA has obtained some exclusive holo-pictures of the fleet, taken by an auto nav buoy near Lok:

Private ships launching and arriving to Lok’s starport were detained in space, for unknown reasons.
The local Sector Command of the Imperial Fleet has released the following statement on this matter:
“We have received some reports concerning last night activity in Lok space. Imperial patrols in this sector were not interfered, nor detained while performing their duties”.

The GNA has managed to interview one of the detained captains – Raex:
Raex: “I was hailed short after launching from the starport and instructed to power down my engines”
GNA:”Did the ship which contacted you identify?”
Raex:”Not that I recall…, though, I was surrounded by half a dozen of starfighters in a matter of seconds”
GNA:”What happened after that?”
Raex: “My cargo was subjected to a thorough inspection, and I was released unharmed”

Another eye witness, stated that two of Nym’s heavy starfighters were seen leaving Lok space, however, to his utter surprise – they were not detained by the Hutt fleet.

Why was the Desilijic cartel “turning rocks” in Lok space?
Is Skocha the Hutt stirring something with Nym?

Time will tell.

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