Thursday, September 20, 2007

An Interview with Aonin Halephax

Date: 070407
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

GNA: Mister Halephax, what brought you to corellia?

Aonin Halephax: Corellia is a fascinating place with a fiercely independent spirit. I like that, and more importantly, I think it sends a message that industry doesn't always have to pander to one side or the other in this silly war.

GNA: is it true you were disowned by your family?

Aonin Halephax: *chuckles softly* The Halephax name is quite tenured in the Corporate Sector... if my father wished to take measures to protect it, I cannot fault him... no matter how extreme those measures may have been...

GNA: Did he have reasons to protect his name?

Aonin Halephax: Well, the arms business is no spring walk in Theed. The Empire's rules on arms control are quite specific, and I've noted many new owners caught up on the wrong side. After all, selling to the Rebellion is tantamount to treason, no matter your political affiliation.

GNA: You mean you are prepared to sell to the rebel alliance?

Aonin Halephax: *laughs* Oh, no, no. That is precisely what we are going to avoid, as every law-abiding corporation should. I simply believe he has cold feet about such a risky venture.

GNA: Does he fear you will end up bankrupt?

Aonin Halephax: I would imagine his greater fear would be guilt by association, but in time I shall prove his fears unfounded. And then perhaps we can all move on from this... embarassing moment that has somehow erupted into the public sphere.

GNA: So - you plan to invest on Corellia. After being disowned, where are your funds coming from?

Aonin Halephax: I had a few ventures on the world of R'alla exporting the mineral water which resulted in quite a bit of excess funds. There were a few others which were not so lucky, but the board ended up eating the costs on those. *chuckles*

GNA: Do you already have a location chosen? And will you produce or mostly trade with goods?

Aonin Halephax: Halephax Munitions plans to become the pinnacle of light and medium arms in this region, we will have a full production facility and we already have a warehouse on lease. The exact location of the headquarters is still being negotiated with a handful of clients, however. Simple paperwork, nothing to be concerned about.

GNA: Are you hiring personel?

Aonin Halephax: Indeed, but we are waiting until we have a location confirmed before officially sending out the word. From shipping to security, there will be multitudes of opportunities with excellent pay to come. We believe in giving back to the people of Corellia.

GNA: Are you concerned about increasing pirate activity?

Aonin Halephax: *snorts* Pirates will be dealt with as any scum who disrupt fair trade and commerce deserve to be dealt with. We do not go into this lightly, I would expect any pirate would be advised to prey on softer targets. Perhaps protato shipments. *chuckles softly*

GNA: You seem confident to be able to handle pirates. Is there a specific reason for this?

Aonin Halephax: The power of industry is vast, my dear. Our resources reach further than their ruthlessness.

GNA: When will you be entering business then?

Aonin Halephax: Within the next week or so we expect to be at operational capability, I would expect prospective buyers to place their orders as soon as possible in order to receive prompt service. I believe they'll be pleasantly surprised at what an efficient and streamlined company can do for their needs.

GNA: Do you have anything to add?

Aonin Halephax: Merely to be on the watch for the official opening of our Corporate Headquarters, whereupon we will be interviewing and hiring all those who wish to make a substantial, and needed contribution to this galaxy we live in. And we offer excellent benefits.

GNA: GNA thanks you for this interview

Aonin Halephax: Likewise.

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