Thursday, September 20, 2007

Imperial Navy defeated in Naboo

Date: 220707
Planet: Naboo System

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Naboo and especially Rori, where the rubble that remains of Restuss are still contested, remains a rebel stronghold. The Imperial Navy attempted to clear the system of rebel forces, but despite early successes, rebel reinforcements managed to beat the imperial task force’s followup attacks back, inflicting heavy casualties.

It seems as if the Rebel Alliance has abandoned Deep Space for the time being, and is concentrating on holding on to their bases in more settled systems, especially Rori. So far Naboo itself remains safe, but considering the recent events, the planet itself may be at risk if the rebel buildup continues.

Local recruiters were ordered to step up their efforts for both the stormtrooper corps as well as the navy in order to counter the growing rebel numbers.

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