Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lokian Flu spreading!

Date: 250707
Planet: Tatooine/Lok
Region: Farpoint Valley/Red Sands

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

The Lokian Flu, a dangerous disease that affects most known species, is spreading through the sector, and has reached Tatooine. The infection is transmitted from infected beings through the air by coughs or sneezes, creating aerosols containing the virus. It can also be be transmitted through contact with saliva, nasal secretions, blood and other bodily fluids of contaminated persons. It is not always fatal, but can be fatal if not treated.

The disease rapidly advances, going through distinctive stages.

1-3 hours after infection coughing starts.
3-6 hours after infection headaches and pains in the limbs are noticed.
6-10 hours after infection come strange behavioural changes. Infected start to laugh, giggle and joke, even dance.
11-17 hours after the infection starts vomitting, more giggling, followed by unconsciousness – at this stage, death is likely unless Neo-hydrine is administered.

Usually contained to Lok, increasing uncontrolled travel has allowed the disease to spread, threatening entire populations on other planets. Cases were already reported on Tatooine already, and infected people are being isolated to prevent the infection from spreading. Concerned medical personell also has asked for a quarantine to be ordered from travellers from Lok, but differences with local authorities so far prevent effective measures to be taken.

In the absence of official measures, individuals have started to wear air filters to protect themselves. Infected people are advised to stay in bed, drink plenty – not that Tatooine’s residents would not do this anyway – and watch their temperature.

So, watch out for coughing persons, and be on your guard.

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