Thursday, September 20, 2007

Karaoke Night in Farpoint Valley hits off!

Date: 130807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Farpoint Valley’s Grindhouse is best known for the Fight Nights held there, but it also sports a bar and a spa in the basement. This bar was the location of Farpoint Valley’s first Karaoke Night. Contrary to some fears, the location did not lead to violence, no matter the performance, although rumor has it, one performer had to be escorted to the microphone by a wookiee. Nerves, no doubt, but nothing overcomes stage fright as quickly as the helpful grip of a wookiee, or the threat of getting tickled by an Ithorian.

The Karaoke night opened with Jiwarri’s rendition of a wookiee song. A very nice song by all accounts, but since it was sung in a dialect even those familiar with the main wookiee idiom were hard pressed to understand, the actual lyrics remain a mystery still.

This ethnic performance was followed up by Iprom, who performed a song about his time on a herdship, and how Ithorians make great friends. Loud friends too.

Irys and Ek’efe, noted performers, disappointed the audience by not performing and restricting their stage time to about 10 seconds.

Pelique though saved the reputation of professional entertainers by not only singing, but playing the mandoviol too – a great performance, although a tad intimidating for some amateurs who had to follow her act.

Detrais though, rodian without fear, took the stage in a storm, and without the prodding some performers required by Ramona, who ran the event (and sang too, but not as part of the competition), and his „Draka Nut Jelly Time“ turned heads in the bar – and not in the direction of the exit.

Following him was Nhadala’s „Dancer“; sung in Ryl. The woman was nervous at the start, but nothing a drink did not cure.

Free drinks to performers, and several rounds of sunburn and brandy „on the house“ also started to have an effect on some members of the audience who had refused to sing until then, and to the surprise of many, including his ship’s doctor, Ryian Coron took the stage with „Jabba knows me“, a very touching song to many of those listening who had similar experiences with this noted businessman on Tatooine.

Not to be outdone, Cpike Morningstar, after a case of stage fright cured by the intervention of several friends (rumor has, they caught him in the elevator trying to flee), sang „Tatooine Girl“, another hit.

Samdari, Ryian's crewmate, performed „White Queen“, a sad but touching song. From the looks of it, Ryian too had had no knowledge of her musical talents.

The night’s performances ended with Tooblee covering „Lapti Nek“ from Sy Snootles. The rodian, already „well-lubricated“, was escorted home by his friend Jeryk after accosting first Irys and then Pelique, and mistaking Cpike for a drink.

After Ramona had sung „Misfire“, the voting started, and after a few minutes, Detrais was the happy recipient of the surprise prize. He was asked to open it outside the building for security reasons, so we’re not actually sure what exactly he won, but last we heard he was still alive.

All in all an entertaining night, and an opportunity for many to see and hear their friends and acquaintances like they have not been seen or heard before - which is half the entertainment, of course!

Count on seeing this correspondent covering the next Karaoke Night in Farpoint Valley too.

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