Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gang war on Lok spreading?

Date: 040607
Planet: Lok
Region: Ziost

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Ziost, a town many may remember as the location of pitched battles between rebel and imperial forces a few years ago, has been quiet for some time - too quiet, many might say, seeing as that the local cantina closed for lack of business, taking many smaller shops with it.

However, a few days ago, the remaining citizens of the town were shaken from their slumber by a loud explosion, triggering old reflexes. As was discovered, the explosion came from a camp near the town, to the northeast. Further investigation uncovered many bodies, a number of destroyed droids, and a burned-out rodian-made shuttle. For the citizens, which have a lot of experience with battles, it was easy to find out that the explosion was caused by a fuel depot catching fire during a battle there.

Witnesses recall a YT-1300 freighter lifting off from the area shortly before the explosion, but its fate and present location is unknown as of this date. The town authorities, such as there are, concluded that the fighting, lacking any evidence to the contrary, was not related to the civil war, but most likely a conflict between two criminal gangs struggling against each other in the southern areas of central Lok.

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