Thursday, September 20, 2007

An Interview with Thaesus Andromeda

Date: 180807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley

By Ikiwi Obead, Galactic News Services

GNS: „Miss Andromeda... can I call you Thaesus?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes of course"

GNS: „Ok, Thaesus, we're in your restaurant, the Twin Suns."

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Mmhmm. I have had this place for two years"

GNS: „It was opened a time ago then closed after an incident, which was never cleared I believe. What happened?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Aah yes. Well some pesky bothans who I will keep their names out decided to blow up part of the building. As you know its a high risk keeping such a nice restaurant here on Tatooine, but I have complete faith in Clarissa, the mayor of the city to secure and keep everything in order."

GNS: „Did the repairs take that long?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „It wasn't just the repairs. I have had some personal issues back home on Coruscant I had to take care of."

GNS: „Issues? Would you care to go into details?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Well I had to secure my late husbands estate for good."

GNS: „My condolences. How did he die?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „he died of brain rot"

GNS: „Brain rot?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „It ran in his family.”

GNS: „how long ago was that?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „hmmm. I'd say... 13 years ago? Yes its been awhile. His....mistress made it complicated…"

GNS: „And you haven't married since?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „aah..I have a boyfriend currently.."

GNS: „His mistress?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „lets not go into much detail about the past"

GNS: „What about your present boyfriend then?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „What about him"

GNS: „What's his name? where is he from? where did you meet?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „His Name is Eceas and we met... about a year ago on Lok."

GNS: „Do you plan to remarry?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes hopefully one day"

GNS: „One day? There are rumors you are with child. Those are wrong then?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Hmm they are true. I am currently pregnant. It hasn't been too long"

GNS: „You will be having your child out of wedlock then?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes hopefully. Shall we return the subject of my restaurant?"

GNS: „What made you return to Tatooine?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Well Tatooine has awlays been full of promise, I have alot of memories here"

GNS: „what about your other businesses?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh, I am currently in a close partnership with the Home Time Contractors. They will help me expand and grow my Entertainment Venues."

GNS: „Where are those venues?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „I will be building one in Riva Dorata, The Viper Room and I am currently investigating a bar up in Mos Carova. Opening a bar I mean.”

GNS: „This must take a lot of staff"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Aaah yes. I just recently put out a ad in the holonet looking for staff."

GNS: „Did you have much success yet?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „No not yet. I am surprised I am generous when it comes to credits."

GNS: „Do you think others pay more?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „I just think that there aren't enough interested"

GNS: „So, between those three venues, which venue has priority?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „The Twin Suns of course. It will always have a place in my heart"

GNS: „Do you plan to recruit locally mainly? Or subcontract areas such as bookkeping and security?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh I will be contracting security of course bookkeeping of course"

GNS: „What company do you have in mind?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Well of course Xizor Transport Systems. I have always had a close connection with them. Also the HTC will help with bookkeeping and security some"

GNS: „ XTS moved off Tatooine months ago."

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes I know."

GNS: „Do you plan to open the restaurant more frequently than in the past?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh yes of course. It’s just been hard without staff"

GNS: „There have been rumors about slave trading on both Lok and Tatooine for some time. Do you think this might be a cause for the lack of available staff?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Hmmm yes that could contribute. I dont think it would effect the restaurant business too much"

GNS: „Do you have other business plans than those three bars and restaurants?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Right now my main concern is my venues"

GNS: „In the past, the twin suns were rumored to be claimed by a crime syndicate as turf. Do you expect similar troubles?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh no that was a very brief period where I was not aware"

GNS: „So, do you plan to shuffle staff from one venue to the other? Does that mean you will be in need of regular transportation?"

Thaesus Andromeda says: „Of course. Galactic technology has yet to create an instant teleporter.”

GNS: „Do you have already secured transportation? And do you expect trouble from bandits or pirates?”

Thaesus Andromeda says: „This is Tatooine dear. Most of the time I won’t have simultaneous events in one night, it’s just… too much. There will be a separate crew though to clean and prepare.”

GNS: „And between Corellia and Tatooine?”

Thaesus Andromeda says: „I will probably be looking for a contractor to take my staff from planet to planet, of course.”

GNS: „Thaesus, do you have anything you’d like to add?”

Thaesus Andromeda says: „I would like to add that Andromeda Entertainment will be sponsoring more and more events as we grow and prosper once again, and hopefully with enough support from the communities arund the galaxy we will become a galactic-class corporation.”

GNS: „GNS thanks you for this interview.”

Thaesus Andromeda says: „And thank you! I hope to be in many more.”

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