Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rise in Galactic thefts of Imperial Property

Date: 060707
Planet: Entire Sector

The Imperial Navy this week announced a large increase in thefts of military equipment, with a side issue devoted entirely to looking into the unusual occurance of thefts specifically related to the Death Star.

Over the last month or so, it has been reported that many parts of Lambda, Dalda, and Hederedex class shuttles and transports have been stolen. 92% of these were their black box flight recorders. The only connection linking all these cases was the fact all had previously visited the Death Star shortly before its destruction by the rebel alliance.

It appears many of these have been brought onto the black market for some reason or another, with many traders being duped into having them as legitimate cargo and being transported to different planets. There is even reports and statements of pirates attacking these traders for their cargo.

One witness made the statement...

"It was scary! They came and were all "grrr" and we were all "aaarrhhh!" and then we had to land and the guy in the helmet used his blaster but he was somebody i knew so it wasn't so scary until somebody else was nasty!"

As the rebellion fighting intensifies, it seems the Empire is becoming more and more stretched in having to deal with such an outbreak of lawlessness, especially one that is an affront to the Imperial Military.

The Emperor's Office has called for any and all assistance in uncovering this mystery. Those that do will be rewarded.

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