Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Droid attack or self defense?

Date: 200411
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

The Lucky Despot, a casino in Mos Eisley, is usually far safer than the infamous Chalmun's. Part of the reason is the high number of ID checks and scans the local police department conducts around and inside - to the point of hassling visitors, as some of the staff complain.

Though even half a dozen cops outside could not prevent a dangerous situation from occuring inside last night when a toydarian junk dealer was assaulted by a humanoid droid. Thanks to a visiting mercenary stepping in no blood was spilled.

Witnesses did not agree whether ot not the droid - also described as a "generous tipper" by the staff - was malfunctioning, or simply defending itself against the threat of getting dismantled and sold as junk, but according to the toydarian the droid claimed its feelings had been hurt, which would indicate a possible malfunction.

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