Sunday, November 20, 2011

Party in New Kestic a success

Date: 201111
Planet: Lok
Region: Eastern Lok

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

New Kestic on Lok has suffered a devastating attack by Hutt-sponsored mercenary and droid forces a bit ago, and is now still being rebuilt. The residents however are not letting this keeping them down, and celebrated their city being rebuilt two days ago with a grand party.

Blasters & Sunburns, represented by Dee'lin Sarlo and her bandmate, ladies' man Norge, were providing the entertainment for the guests and residents, heating the local cantina up with classic and new songs such as Eternal Twilight, Booster Blues, Outer Spice, Last Stand and Venom.

Not to be outdone though Lynese, assistant to Mayor and CEO Amandiona Masnachwr, which was attending the party with her boyfriend Arzesaeth', launched a truly impressive fireworks display that left the audience in awe and netted her at least two offers of employment, which she declined though.

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