Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Galactic Empire under pressure - desperate measures taken

Date: 291111
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)

With the forces of the Galactic Empire in the local sector under increasing pressure by the advancing soldiers of the Alliance to restore the Republic, and with no reinforcements coming forth, it seems that desperate measures are being taken by local commanders.

According to recent rumors an Imperial unit on Tatoonie has taken to recruiting militia members and civilians with minimal military training and having them put on storm trooper armor with orders to "act the part" in an attempt to bolster their numbers. Others report a shift from conventional to guerilla tactics to deal with being outnumbered by Alliance troops.

So far neither has had much success - while Bestine was ertaken recently by Imperial forces it was not held for long, Alliance troops quickly restored control of the capital of Tatooine. Many Imperials are facing increasing difficulties when trying to travel on several planets in the sector, their movements restricted to a few starports not under Alliance control.

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