Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Kestic invaded!

Date: 091111
Planet: Lok
Region: Eastern Lok

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)

New Kestic, the company town of the Future Droids and Weapons corporation, has been regularly attacked by small bands of mercenaries since months. Recently it was discovered that the attackers were paid and supplied by Hutts, and some expected that after the Hutts behind them had been exposed the attacks would cease.

Unfortunately this was not true. Last night the town suddenly was hit with an EMP device and both the shield generators and the droid defenders went offline, leaving the town vulnerable to attackers - which arrived right afterwards with several shuttles.

The security forces of the town as well as visitors willing to help rallied and soon were engaging wave after wave of invaders - mercenaries as well as combat droids of various types, some shuttles even dropped dangerous beasts such as acklays and a rancor.

The defenders' efforts were helped by an Imperial strike force led by Major Edmuun Blackadder, which had been operating against pirates in the area and rushed to the city when news of the attack hit. Sadly some of the troopers were killed by friendly fire in the fog of war.

Finally the main force of the invaders arrived - a small army of Gamorrean mercenaries, attacking from the south-west. The battered defenders made a stand, supported by air attacks and artillery strikes, and managed to cause enough casualties to the attackers to drive them away, leaving the field covered in corpses.

An investigation regarding the cause of the EMP strike and possible sabotage is underway according to CEO Amandiona Masnachwr.

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