Planet: Lok
Region: Eastern Lok
Story: (Written oocly by Amandiona's player.)
Five days after the large-scale attack on New Kestic, Mayor and CEO Amandiona Masnachwr is speaking out. Rumors had been flying about sabotage and the amount of damage done to the city and factory, and she felt the need to clear things up.

She verified that the droid of a high ranking employee was the one who lowered the defenses around the cities' shield generator, allowing for an overhead strike to destroy it - and leaving the town open to the EMP burst. The droid was decommissioned, but the mayor has asked for privacy when it comes to the employee, only stating that the issue has been dealt with fully.

As for damages to the town, the starport took the worst hits and needs vast amounts of work to repair. Half of the city hall was burned to the ground and several smaller structures were leveled. The Future Droids factory sustained heavy damages to its surrounding walls, but the factory itself was unharmed.

Despite losing four of their own and having a dozen injured, the residents and employees have been hard at work rebuilding and it shows. They are planning a celebration and grand-reopening of the town at the end of the week. Amandiona stated that she was very proud of the people of New Kestic and is forever grateful to those who came to defend it.

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