Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ninth Karaoke Night held in Farpoint Valley after hiatus!

Date: 131111
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Almost exactly three years after the last the Ninth Karaoke Night was held in the Grindhouse Bar in Farpoint Valley two days ago. To celebrate the revival, every singer got a surprize prize.

Captain Ryian Coron showed he was not just brave when it comes to space - he has been flying his YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud" despite growing pirate threats - but also on the stage, and started the night with "Jabba he knows me", a classic song. His surprize prize, a greenish egg, hatched during the night, and revealed a weird animal later identified as a Spined Puc. The animal took a liking to the captain, who was last seen running outside and calling for his pet gurreck, "Ruffy". Whether Ruffy ate the puc is not known at this point, neither Ruffy nor Ryian were available to comment.

Professional musician Dee'lin Sorla then took the stage, with the "No Instrument Blues" song.

Undaunted by the performance of Dee'lin, and only mildly encouraged by the rest of the audience as well as only lightly drunk, Barrenger Fynar sang "Danger Zone", an experimental one-liner.

Britney', Captain of the YT-2400 "Sugar Rush" and known for never traveling anywhere without her trusty slitherhorn handy, sang a sing from Parry Gripp, "Space Unicorn". By public acclaim she got two prizes!

Amandiona Masnachwr, mayor of New Kestic, followed, with the "Burn, Spider, Burn" song. She also let slip that sings that song often in her town.

Then Dee'lin got up again, premiering a new song of hers, "Venom", before the host Ramona ended the night with the aptly named "End of the Road".

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