Monday, July 11, 2011

Aak rescued - and killed

Date: 110711
Planet: Rori
Region: Northwestern Rori

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)

Aak the toydarian slaver has been abducted last week and for a couple of days there was no further information about his fate, rumors even claiming he was dead already. That last rumor was proven wrong recently, but not for long.

From what is known Aak was held by a group of former slaves of his and their friends, who were planning to torture the slaver to death. One attempt at rescuing the slaver was thwarted early on, but others were on the way already, although how many of those had the toydarian's best interests in mind and how many either wanted his business or his life for themselves remains unclear.

Rumor claims that the next rescue attempt was successful since it happened when the captive slaver was being moved to Tatooine. During the ambush Aak supposedly managed to escape on his own while both the ambushers and his former captors fought.

While details are not known or sketchy, it's been confirmed that Aak moved to Corellia and began to both get revenge and rebuild his business, starting with reacquiring his former lethan slaves while his enemies and former partners hid - to no avail, as some found out who had sought refuge by rivals of Aak.

However not all of his enemies hid since ironically Aak was killed soon after recapturing his former slaves, according to one rumor even by them. Whether this was an expertedly planned assassination or just a mistake by his security, or even divine retribution for his alleged abuse of a kiva remains unclear, but Aak's death has been confirmed, the news even broadcast through his own comm to his contacts with the following words:

"I want all of you to know. Me Wyn...this puss bag's former slave, and Sylauria have killed him, your precious Aak is no more"

There are no known next of kin and it is expected that his former employees, partners, slaves and rivals all are currently moving to secure as many of his assets as they can. What became of his body is not known, though in the past many have voiced their wish to mount body parts as a trophy after Aak's death, so parts of him may show up one way or the other.

Aak has led a very dangerous life, dodging assassination attempts and attacks for years, operating under the authority of the trandoshan brotherhood, as were many of his competitors. He had a reputation for ruthless pursuit of profit, and cruel treatment of his slaves.

His business was backed by the imperial authorities, allowing him to publically attend and run slave auctions. Despite this he made many enemies, from rivals to those opposed to the practise of slavery - enemies he usually dealt quite brutally with, if his men managed to capture them. His long success led him to grow quite bold, kidnapping and enslaving people in public and broad daylight no matter the opposition or the occasion.

He was especially keen on recapturing escaped slaves, no surprise seeing his love for credits and his hatred for losing even a small amount of wealth. He was not always successful, though, as his employees were often involved in fights and even accused of murder, and his club becoming the target of attacks by anti-slaver activists and rival gangs. At least once, maybe more often, his own employees turned against him.

No matter the violence he managed to survive all attempts on his life, but his career was cut short for the first time when he was arrested for tax fraud, and imprisoned for over a year until he managed to escape.

He quickly started to rebuild his business, reopening his club, but also made so many new enemies in the process that he was hunted almost constantly and captured several times. Though the wily toydarian always managed to escape, slipping away from his enemies repeatedly, until finally his luck ran out.

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