Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Jailbirds has been known since its first opening as a club where the guests can relax in safety without fearing a violent attack so common on Tatooine. Not everyone however seems to respect this.

Yesterday two employes of Aak the Toydarian slaver, Opal Lyncanus and a helper of hers identified as Syslek, were observed trying to lead a guest of the club out. The girl was suffering from disorientation but had been feeling fine just the moment before, and given the two slavers' reputation, the club's staff immediately - and correctly, as was found out later - suspected foul play and intervened. It took the threat of violence however to make the two slavers give up and leave the club.

A medic was called in and checked the drugged girl out - tentatively identified as "Car" - finding a tranq dart in her neck. Security recordings linked the dart to "Syslek". The club's management stated that the sensors had been upgraded to prevent people from bringing in such a device as had been used - and that people suspected to not honor Jailbirds policy of providing a safe place for all its guests, no matter their occupation, should expect a far more thorough security check if they wished to enter.
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