Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The practise of slavery, unfortunately common in the Outer Rim and even on core worlds such as Talus, is a hot topic on more civlized planets such as Naboo, famous for its arts and culture. This is mainly due to some slave owners like Aak the Toydarian sending their "property", usually enslaved twi'lek entertainers, to work in Theed. Naboo's society is split in how to react to this - forbid it, and risk that the slaves are sent to far more dangerous planets such as Tatooine to work? Accept it, and appear to tolerate or even condone slavery?

Cantina and Salon in Theed
The residents of Naboo, like many galactic citizens in those trying times of civil war and rampant crime, seem to answer this individually, with some opposing the slaver's business, even violently, others tolerating it, and a number not caring at all as long as the entertainment is good.
Reports of individuals freeing those unfortunate slaves from bondage started to appear frequently, though anonymously to protect both the escaped slave and the rescuer from retaliation. However as the recent disappearance of three such activists in Theed as well as rumored bounties placed on Talus on people with similar views show the slavers are not going to take this interference by freedom-loving individuals with their "business" without fighting back.
With three missing people, no clues about what happened to them other than they were last seen with slaves in public and bounty hunters on the verge of getting hired to go after anti-slavery activists many Nabooians fear that more activists will turn to violence instead of peaceful protests. Some even expect the Rebel Alliance to become active in this struggle - with many prominent wookiees personally acquainted with the horrors of slavery among their ranks the rebels have both the will and the means to take the fight against slavery to a whole new level - a level that could level cities.
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