Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The rumors about Aak the Toydarian slaver putting out bounties on his enemies seem to be true despite him being notoriously thight-fisted with credits. Last night the slaver was visiting Jailbirds in Farpoint Valley with his entourage of slaves and cut-throats when suddenly an unconscious man was dragged inside by the infamous Opal Lycanus and an unknown helper.

As it turned out the man had been wanted by Aak and it is likely he had put out a bounty on him. The man, tentatively identified as "Ranger Glenn", was in better shape than Aak and his crew liked - supposedly they voiced their disappointment that he was not beaten up and wounded worse.
As Jailbirds shortly afterwards closed - rumors claim this was not related as usual to the start of the weekly IMC convoy, but to an incident involving the Neutron Pixie member Senyka Darkeye - and the unfortunate captive was dragged out its final fate remains unknown.
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