Planet: Lok
Region: Nym's Base
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Nirii, the slave recaptured two days ago in the Lucky Despot was apparently freed by force yesterday in Nym's cantina on Lok. From what is known there was a meeting of the owners of the zeltron with an interested buyer - a twi'lek in full armor - in the cantina.

Aak in person, in the company of his employees and seurity detail, met the twi'lek. The negotiations were still going on when suddenly two armored twi'leks opened fire with scatterguns, scattering the slavers and wounding a zabrak woman who seemed to be Nirii's handler.

The "interested buyer" used the confusion to grab Nirii and flee with her while a number of other sentients started a firefight with the rest of the slavers.

The security detail of Aak reacted fast though and struck back, wounding, maybe killing some attackers before they managed to get away. The slavers stuck not around for long either though, since one of their numbers was gravely wounded, and they made haste to the starport to get her to a med center off-planet.

According to rumors the slavers swore revenge though and are already hunting both the rescuers as well as the escaped slave.
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