Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Many of our readers may be familiar with the danger slaver organisations presnet for residents and visitors alike on Tatooine, and especially in near-lawless Mos Eisley. Not many may be familiar with the way such activities are supported on planets many may consider civilized. Last night showed how when a slave auction was held in New Doros, Talus - and attended by the governor of Talus, Cas-Ru Roben, himself.
The unfortunate captives were first presented in the "Slave Cage", where they had to dance on stage so potential buyers could "inspect" them.

Then the slaves - mostly twi'lek women - were herded to the auction area, under heavy security.

The auction itself was held under open space, and attended by a large crowd, among them governor Cas-Ru Roben himself, and prominent slavers like Aak the Toydarian and Sevorick themselves presented their "merchandise", trying to incite the crowd to bid high - which they succeeded at in most cases, demand for slaves seems to remain high and the business can be expected to remain profitable.

The sale of sentient flesh did not go unopposed though since a peaceful protest had been organized by activists, encouraging attendants to wear white clothes as a sign of opposition to this kind of trade, and a number could be seen in white.
Fitting for the mentality this kind of auction showed was that a man was stabbed, cut and beaten right in the back of the seating area, but without the spectators taking notice.
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