Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
With the apparent end of the Twin Suns slaving syndicate following the enslavement of its leader Zevorick Lycanus the Brotherhood of Dosh seems closer to their goal of having a monopoly on slaving in the sector. As our readers know they already settled matters with Aak the toydarian slaver, apparently bringing his organisation under the Brotherhood's control.
Now it seems that they feel confident enough to move on driving independent slavers out of business - by whatever means neccessary. An incident two days ago in the Lucky Despot casino in Mos Eisley illustrates this.

Lucky Despot, Mos Eisley, Tatooine
Aak the toydarian slaver was, as far as is known, presenting a number of new slaves to representants of the Brotherhood of Dosh for inspection when they heard about an independent slaver present in the room next to them.
At once the trandoshans - Iskssi and Karnis according to reports - went after the man, which was later identified as Ansiwa, and first threatenend him, then physically abused him in order to make him give up slaving, leaving the unconscious man on the floor when they were done.
It remains to be seen whether or not the Brotherhood can achieve a true monopoly even if they manage to drive away the independent slavers. With the profits to be had in this sort of business it seems just a question of time until another organisation forms.
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