Saturday, September 26, 2009

Skalui Urizon wins big at the RAA Race event in Fort Oasis!

Date: 270909
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Fort Oasis

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Yesterday the first RAA event, organized by Aratak, was held in Fort Oasis, the main base of RID on Tatooine. Attracted by substantial cash prizes racers from all over the galaxy gathered to compete in various competitions, ranging from Swoop Races to Anything Goes, even a race for animal mounts was held.

Ipled the wookiee served as announcer though the event, his loud voice announcing each set, and not even when the racers, probably caught up in the heat of the competition as much as the planet, forgot the number of laps they had to do did he lose his calm.

Skalui Urizon, whose somewhat shady reputation also includes being a former swoop racer according to some rumors, proved that both the rumors were true and that his skills had not diminished much by age.

He won the Open Race, which started the race series, on his Geonosian Speeder, with Natylya coming in second, Neutra third. The mount race was won by Saaren on his Varactyl mount, with Natylya coming in second on an Eopie mount. The following Swoop Race was won by Natylya, with Skalui coming in second place, before Isuk'ap.

The Speeder Race was once again won by Skalui, before Aratak on his Pod Racer and Feral' on her BARC Speeder. The final Free Race was once again won by Skalui, with TK and Saaren tieing for second place. It was unusual in that all racers forgot the number of laps needed, and stopped prematurely, until Ipled informed them about their mistake, at which point the race was continued for a last, wild lap, during which Skalui once again took the lead, earning 500K for his victory.

The overall champion though was Bonowhem, who took the title in the last races held after a short break.

Aratak is looking for more host cities, on other planets, so the RAA looks to be expanding.

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