Sunday, September 20, 2009

Imperial star destroyers repel rebel attack - bombardment of ground position continues

Date: 200909
Planet: Talus
Region: Nashal

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Talus has been suffering a lot from the effects of the Galactic Civil War lately, with open rebellion in some cities, to restore order Governor Cas-Ru Roben declared Martial Law.

While this has helped quell some civil unrest the Rebel Alliance still maintains a heavily fortified base near Nashal. To avoid costly ground assaults the Imperial Navy started to gather a task force in orbit to initiate an orbital bombardment of the heavily shielded rebel positions.

However the rebel commanders were not about to take this without resistance and gathered a strike force of their own, launching a preemptive strike at the imperial ships massing in orbit.

Imperial escorts gathered from many units, among them Obsidian Dagger Squadron, DFA, Claw Squadron and RID met them and a furious battle ensued, with several waves of rebel attackers coming at them one after the other. Fast A-Wings as well as heavy bombers and X-Wings clashed with TIE Fighters and auxiliary units. Even a Y-8 in Imperial service took part in the battle, valiantly fighting despite the odds as counter attacks were launched by the Imperial Navy. The advantage in the fight switched back and forth, and for a long time no victory for either side seemed in sight.

Finally though the rebel base used to supply the attack waves fell to a counter attack and the insurgents were forced to withdraw, leaving the task force free to conduct the bombardment.

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