Sunday, January 9, 2011

Operation "Pocket Garden" launched on Kashyyyk

Date: 090111
Planet: Kashyyyk
Region: Woolwarricca Plains

Outpost Kappa, an Imperial trading outpost on Kashyyyk, has lately reported serious trouble with raids from a local pirate gang. Yesterday the outpost's commander, Colonel Amodeus DuCar, launched an operation to strike out at a suspected base for those raiders to relive some of the prssure on the Outpost. The operation, called "Operation Pocket Garden", was carried out by a mixed force of scouttroopers and deptutized civilians. A representative of the Outpost released this statement:

"Operation Pocket Garden succeeded without any military or civilians causalities. The recent raids cost the outpost several thousand credits in lost medical supplies as well as reinforcement shuttles on their way here. Command created a joint military and civilian task force to crush the pirates at their own stronghold. The task force discovered genetically-enhanced and artificially-bred Kybucks. While the purpose of such experimentation is still undetermined, Kappa personnel remain determined to discover the source."

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