Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bomber dies by own bomb

Date: 250511
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)

Yesterday security forces from New Kestic, the Headquarters of the Future Droids and Weapons System, and mercenaries in their employ managed to corner the wanted bomber responsible for several attacks on ships and shipping. The bomber had been trying to extort money from the corporation after killing an employee of FDWS last week.

From what is known at this point a droid was sent to receive the money. FDWS forces instead shot the droid with an ion gun and then dismantled its core, retrieving the coordinates the droid was programmed to drop the money off - a remote location in the north, almost ten kilometers away from New Kestic. The security forces and mercenaries under command of Amandiona Masnachwr moved swiftly at this point.

A scouting force was sent ahead and revealed the presence of a dozen armed and armored men at the coordinates given. Their camp was then hit with the full force, and the Apparent leader of this group taken prisoner as he was trying to flee in a shuttle.

Bli'Kote, an investigator sent by a insurance firm from the Galactic Core who had been hunting the bomber for years according to his claims and had been investigating the recent affair for weeks, had been forced to remain in New Kestic after the bomber's droid had hit him with a stun gun that triggered a heart attack. While the security forces were hitting the armed camp however he revealed himself to be the until then still unidentified bomber, taking one of the employees of FDWS left behind in New Kestic to treat him as a hostage and forced her to give him access to their main computer databanks - apparently with the intent to steal their research data.

The hostage - Amandiona's sister Lazana - managed to trigger a silent alarm and stall the downloading process long though, and the criminal found himself cornered by the returned security forces. When he was threatening to blow himself and his hostage up with a thermal detonator he was jumped. Staggering back he allegedly lost his grip on the detonator, which went off seconds later, vaporizing himself and the main data banks of the corporation.

While the hostage was safe, having had time to reach cover and/or shielding in the scuffle at least one member of the security force or mercenaries was seriously wounded in the blast and is now in intensive care in New Kestic's med center.

CEO Masnachwr was quoted stating that the databanks had backups and no long-term harm to the corporation's future is expected. No comment was given yet on who is claiming the substantial bounty TTC placed on the bomber earlier.

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