Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New dojo opens on Dantooine

Date: 180511
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Northern Dantooine

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Martial Arts have been a part of the culture of the galaxy for thousands of years, be it as means to defend oneself, a sport, or a way of living. Teras Kasi is one of the most famous of the galaxy-wide practised martial arts, and often named as one of the most powerful styles, sometimes said to be on par with lightsaber fencing. This art was very wide spread just a few years ago, but as the war progressed its use has faltered some lately. Still it has many practioners, and even more fans. And for either we have good news!

Located in a quiet valley in northern Dantooine is the "Rising Rancor Dojo", where students can learn and practise teras kasi once the dojo opens its doors next week. Jakt'rar is leading the dojo, but he has several teachers.

As you can see on the pictures the dojo has a humble outside appearance, but is offering all the accomodations needed to study the art inside.

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