Saturday, May 28, 2011

Trash Compactor opens in Crusher's Junction

Date: 280511
Planet: Corellia
Region: Crusher's Junction

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)

Last night the Trash Compactor opened, a new cantina in Crusher's Junction. The biggest junkyard on Corellia (their words, don't sue us!) has now a very unique cantina as well, catering to their clients with an almost as wide selection of drinks as their selection of junk (or economical spare parts).

For the opening the Neutron Pixies performed a song written for the event, "Swoop Racer", and their classic "Coronet, Heart of Corellia" cycle, on the stage, next to the cantina's namesake, the big trash compactor.

As the evening progressed more and more people filtered in, many of them looking for business of various kinds. Some tempers were quite hot - one man was almsot fed to a rancor over 200 credits - but all in all the mood was good. So good that Tee'won's stripping performance on stage did not lead to his untimely demise.

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