Sunday, May 1, 2011

Alliance Fleet secures supply lines

Date: 010511
Planet: Naboo and Karthakk systems

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Yesterday the Imperial Sector fleet and naval units of the Alliance to Restore the Republic battled for control of critical hyperlane choke points vital to their supply lines in the Karthakk and Naboo systems. For almost two hours the battles in those systems went back and forth, causing casualties but no victor, until the Alliance fleet managed to gain a small but decisive advantage, partially aided by a mistake in the communication lines of the Imperial task force.

After the respective forces had withdrawn again the rebel units went on to defeat the imperial ships which had remained in Deep Space.

The following recordings were released by the Imperial Sector Fleet Command and show part of the battles that raged last night:

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