Planet: Kashyyyk
Region: Kachirho
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Kashyyyk's population has fallen on hard times in recent years, with both the ravages of the Galactic Civil War and the slaving trandoshans threatening the wookiees. Add in a wildlife that's among the most dangerous of the Galaxy, and it's only due to their famous toughness and stubborn tenacity that wookiees still prosper.
With violence so common it takes a lot for any event to stand out, but the recent reports from the area the famous Ryatt Trail manage that. According to the accounts of travellers and hunters several wookiee villages were attacked and all villagers massacred, some were even found skinned. Even worse - those massacres were just part of a trail of bloody violence which claimed the lives of dozens of travellers, hunters and uncounted animals before disappearing in the Shadowed Lands.
The identity of the perpetrators of those abhoirrent deeds has not yet been discovered, but the claw marks found on the corpses, the almost exclusive use of melee weapons and the undiscerning choice of victims in addition to the skinnings have led most natives to blame the trandoshans, already hated for their slaving raids, for the atrocities.
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