Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Rebellion?

Date: 200210
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

The Galactic Empire has been battling the Alliance to restore the Republic, also known as the Rebel Alliance, for years by now, in a bloody cili war that doesn't look like it'll end soon. Throughout the fighting numerous imperial officers and troops have defected to the rebels, sometimes entire ship crews and units. Now there have been rumors of another defection, though this time the rebelling troops did not join the Alliance, but announced to fight them. The following communique was released to the public by their General of Defense Ajarsi Koun.:

“The Imperial Rebellion is an inner rebellion within the Empire, it in no way is related or collaborating with the Rebel Alliance. Our views compared to the Empire are virtually the same, our rebellion focuses on the way the Empire has executed the destruction of the Rebel Alliance and the fact that they have lost major key points in the struggle for Galactic Security.”

In accordance with this creed this new rebel group has also crowned an Emperor - in this case an Empress, Empress Nobous. To quote her:

“Hello glorious citizens of the galaxy. Today we have made history by standing up against the Emperor on his views of galactic security. He has used the resources we have giving him to control and mold the galaxy to what he thinks is the right way it should be. The Imperial Rebellion, IR, and I believe in galactic stability and security for all citizens on all planets.

Ever citizen of this galaxy has to stand together and stand up with IR to rid the galaxy of the Rebel Alliance. Together we can achieve victory and rid the galaxy of our corrupt leader, Emperor Palpatine.

I am honored to be your new strong leader. I will not allow our cause to be thrown around and argued in the Senate. We will destroy these rebels that threaten our galactic security and we will finally be at peace.”

In a first statement a spokesman of the Galactic Empire called the new rebllion "no more than an attempt to gain attention and weaken our public moral to allow the Alliance to attack and control key cities across the galaxy.”

There has been no statement from the Alliance to this "competition" so far, but a schism within the Empire's ranks can only benefit the Rebel Alliance, as far as military experts can conclude.

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