Planet: Ord Mantell
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Shortly after arriving in the Nova Orion Station last night Athmis Thewix, captain of the Nova Courier "Fleet of Foot", was accosted by two individuals, a trandoshan and a human or near-human male while in the station's med center.
The two sentients apparently claimed to have been paid to bring the pilot back to his family, no matter his personal wishes. Fellow spacers who had just finished the IMC Convoy together with Captain Thewix, among them his gunner Falcun Nix, arrived in time though to foil what can only be called a kidnapping attempt.

The exact details of the confrontation are not known but while several weapons were drawn and aimed - including a heavy weapon according to one witness - there was no fighting reported. All people involved were said to have left the station quickly afterwards.
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