Monday, October 31, 2011

Two crash landings in Farpoint Valley

Date: 311011
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)

Three days ago Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, was the location of two crash landings within less than one hour. The residents and visitors chilling in the local night club "Jailbirds", watching the recently hired rodian dance troupe "The Raving Rodians" on stage, were shaken by a loud noise coming from the north of the town.

As it turned out the private yacht of the Hutt Zakula had suffered a mechanical malfunction and had been forced to crash land - directly in the oasis north of Farpoint Valley. While his servants worked hard to repair the ship Zakula himself visited the night club, though he was in a visibly sour mood.

Shortly afterwards another crash shook the town - a Belbullab-22 Starfighter had been forced to crash land in the town. It's pilot, Rylar, had been hunting down Womp Rats but had taken one of the carcasses into the ship's engine intake during a particularly close strafing run. Fortunately he was not hurt and his ship could be repaired by a mechanic from FDWS.

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