Monday, January 4, 2010

Rogue scientist found dead near Farpoint Valley

Date: 040110
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Farpoint Valley has suffered from sporadic troubles with wild animals in the past, but they were usually native animals. It was therefore a big surprise when an Acklay was sighted today in the city, near the landing pad. Fortunately a few brave visitors of Jailbirds, among them experienced hunter Melkin Antross as well as Ashen Katarna and Falcun Nix, engaged the beast and killed it before it could hurt anyone.

The group followed the tracks of the animal back to where it came from and arrived at an abandonned house with a broken down door - and two more Acklays. In a short but viscious fight the two monsters were killed. Inside the house the group found a dead woman as well as the remains of what appeared to be a spice lab, smashed and looted, by tusken according to the traces found.

The dead body was later identified as "Denow Howa", a scientist which had been presumed dead over a year ago when human remains found in a stolen and shot down starfighter were identified by DNA scanning as belonging to her. She has been linked to the disappearance of several millions of credits from the accounts of her employer at the time, BT Inc. based in Kadara, Naboo.

Holonews Article

As her personal journal revealed, she had been faking her death, and then taken on a new identity after murdering the plastic surgeon responsible for her new face. Apparently she was trying to complete her research by herself, but ran out of funds and started producing spice to acquire more funds for her genetic research - genetic research which used Acklays as test subject.

Holonews Article

As it turned out she also was responsible for the murder of Lord Galendo Sirax during his visit to Farpoint Valley half a year ago.

Holonews Article

With such damning evidence it's hard to feel sorry for the fate of this woman.

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