Friday, January 15, 2010

Rebel task force sweeps through sector

Date: 150110
Planet: Tatooine System/Naboo System/Karthakk System

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Six days ago several witnesses reported multiple battles between rebel and imperial forces in three systems of the sector - the Tatooine, Naboo and Karthakk systems. The exact details are not known, but according to several of those acocunts a rebel task force centered on a Nebulon-B class frigate swept through the mentioned systems, engaging and destroying the imperial forces opposing the rebel ships.

Recently received information from an anonymous source claim that while the rebel lost several scouts and detatched escorts during the operation when those isolated elements were caught by imperial starfighter, the rebel main force considerably outnumbered any force the imperial sector fleet could bring to bear. A few attack runs on the rebel flagship by bombers took place, but failed to destroy the frigate.

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