Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Life Day Party, Race and Town Meeting in Farpoint Valley

Date: 301209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Last evening Farpoint Valley held a Life Day Party which included a town meeting and a swoop and open race. The town meeting started in the City Hall, where mayor Kimisei Bythmi greeted the residents and visitors who attended, giving a short speech before adressing various questions and concerns by the audience.

Afterwards the crowd moved over to the Racing Lounge of Meansa, who had been insturmental in getting the event together, enjoying a few more drinks before the races started.

Smero had picked a long course for the Swoop and Open Race, which was tackled by Falcun Nix, Otaua Ladira, Ichi Senshi, Nee'ki Starr and Jar'ek Cax. After a close race Otaua won the surprize prize.

The open competion where all kinds of vehicles were allowed was undertaken by Ashen Katarna, Otaua Ladira and Smero himself. Ashen Katarna, on a special "One of a kind" speeder bike, won while Smero suffered a crash and had to return on the back of a dewback.

The event ended in the Grindhouse Bar, where more drinks were served - too much for some guests, Falcun Nix even had to be moved to the med center for a quick detoxification.

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