Monday, December 28, 2009

Celox Scorpio - womanizer without peer?

Date: 291209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley

Story: (Written by the Social Correspondent, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Celox Scorpio, well-known rodian sabacc player and lawyer for the famous Holowood Galactic Studios, has come a long way from his humble beginnings years ago. Some even claim he is now all but humble, basking in his reputation as a card shark and corporate lawyer, surrounded by holoactresses.

They may very well be right on the money, seeing as Mr. Scorpio was overheard boasting about his love life last night on a visit to Tatooine, telling the other guests of Jailbirds about the seven girlfriends he had, "one for each day", allegedly each more beautiful than the other.

While this may just be empty boasting from the average entient, Celox Scorpio does have the diplomatic skills, lawyer's guile and sabacc face to pull this off - and he is not living in a bachelor's dream home with famous playboy Chiggs Chiggli for nothing!

Now the socialities all over the Galaxy wonder if we'll ever get a more detailed glimpse of Celox' harem - maybe as a holoshow straight from his Love Mansion?

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