Monday, February 23, 2009

Talus under Martial Law!

Date: 230209
Planet: Talus
Region: Dearic

Story: (Written IC by the Galactic News Agency, oocly by Rhaze Durile).

Governor Cas-Ru Roben signed an order today, declaring planet-wide martial law. The Governor's office reports such strong measures are necessary in order to combat the growing rebel attacks on Talus, and urges the governments of Tralus and Corellia to enact similar measures.

Corellia, of course, is the home of notorious rebel terrorist Juroden Halcyon. With a system producing such villany as this, it is no wonder martial law is needed.

We take you now to the footage of Imperial forces arriving in Dearic.

*A massive column of Imperial stormtroopers march into the city square of Dearic. They are followed by several Imperial Walkers, shuttles, freighters and supply convoys. Governor Roben is standing on the balcony of the captiol building waving to the troops with his staff at his side. Several waves of TIE fighters fly overhead as the multitudes gathered seem eager to welcome the new Imperial forces.

Leading these troops at the head of the column, marching in perfect unison with his men, is Rhaze Durile.*

Article written by Rhaze Durile as part of a developing story line. Please contact Rhaze Durile or Cas-ru Roben if you wish to be involved.

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