Saturday, November 8, 2008

Massive Battle on Corellian Soil

Date: 081108
Planet: Corellia
Region: Eastern Corellia

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Corellia's policy in the Galactic Civil war has long been one of neutrality. Unfortunately, the two warring factions do not agree with this stance, and the trade hub of the galaxy seems to important strategically to leave in peace, and the planet saw numerous battles and skirmished as a result.

Five days ago, the Empire and the Rebel Alliance clashed again in a major battle. From what is known, the battle started when a small group imperial troopers started to take control of a facility suspected to be used for tatical training. While they were still in the process to deal with local resistance, a large number of rebel soldiers arrived and stormed the base.

By then, more imperial troopers started to arrive and took the offensive again, but met fierce resistance. The entrenched rebel soldiers repelled two assaults before getting overrun. Two coutner attacks by the rebel forces were beaten back in the following hours, with losses mounting on both sides, before the fighting moved outside the base to the near river, leaving the Empire in control of the facility.

According to rumors, and observed troop movements, both sides are massing for another battle on one of the five planets, so a number of citizens on Corellia as well as Talus are increasingly concerned about the threat of the Galactic Civil War striking their towns. Talus, with its open Imperial Base, is particularily exposed according to numerous military experts.

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