Sunday, November 2, 2008

Daring bank robbery on Talus!

Date: 021108
Planet: Talus
Region: Dearic

Last night on Talus the opening of the Shadowblade Enterprises First Talusian Bank was marred when the bank was robbed before even opening by a gang of armed and armored people. As it turned out the crafty criminals had exploited the fact that most residents and guards were attending the earlier opening of "Mae'lyn's Gardenhouse", a gift of Lord Sanguine to Mae'lyn of the Neutron Pixies, and assaulted the bank during the former's opening ceremony.

The guards present in the bank stood no chance against the attackers and were overwhelmed in short order, shot down and left to bleed. One guard was saved when his trained corellian sand panther dragged him to the nearby med center.

The attackers had made a slight miscalculation, however, and were still inside when the residents led by governor Sanguine and mayor Bosk arrived and found a grieviously wounded guard on the steps of the bank's entrance. The criminals reacted quickyl though, and threw a stun grenade outside, taking the citizens and vistors by surprise, then stormed out, taking the governor hostage to make their escape.

Despite resistance, they managed to get away. The governor, wounded in the leg, was relased shortly afterwards, and treated with the other wounded in the med center next to the bank.

The Talus government announced that the robbers had also shot up the town's mascot, "Jeminy", and left the dead animal in the vault of the bank. According to unconfirmed reports, the take of the heist was 1 Million imperial credits.

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