Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ord Mantell becoming even more dangerous

Date: 130808
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

The weekly IMC convoy has been getting better at evading pirate attacks in the Naboo system, but this seems to have driven the pirates to operate in less patrolled systems - such as the Ord Mantell system, the usual destination of the cargo IMC is shipping. Yesterday, Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud" and Captain Ahi's Vigo-class freighter "Kom'rk", without a fighter escort, passed through the Naboo system without incident, but then were ambushed at the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell by an ARC-170 recon craft and a ship identified as a stolen TIE Bomber.

The following footage was taken from the flight recorder of the ARC-170, which was recovered after the attack:

The "Kom'rk" took armor damage, but no internal damage despite several torpedo and space bomb attacks, and the "Spinning Cloud" took no damage at all, and the cargo was delivered without significant delay.

A representative of the Nova Orion Station declined to comment on the questions why pirate ships could hide inside the station's hangar, referring to "ongoing investigations".

IMC stock was a bit volatile at the Coronet stock exchange, but closed with a slight plus.

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