Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lucky at the gambling table, unlucky in life

Date: 130808
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Gamblers often risk more than they can afford to lose when caught in a game, and people addicted to gambling are a common sight in many casinos. However, most gamblers adhere to the myth that luck comes in streaks - at some evenings, some lucky man cannot lose, and seems to be on a run. Many gamblers hope for such a lucky streak, even if they lose most of the time.

Last night, one gambler seemed to have hit on such a streak when he started to win several times in a row at the Jubilee table in Mos Eisley's Lucky Despot. However, his jubilant yells were suddenly interrupted when a figure in mandalorian armor approached him from behind, held a blaster to his head and, after a short exchange of words, shot the gambler, later identified as Kim Nova, 25 years old, dead.

Authorities investigating the death stated that there had been a bounty put on Nova, who had been wanted for running out on his gambling debts in several systems. The case is considered closed.

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