Thursday, August 14, 2008

An Interview with Korris Sprint

Date: 130808
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley

By Sila Synergy, Galactic News Agency

GNA: "Greetings, Mister Sprint."
Korris Sprint: "Evening, Ma'am."
Korris Sprint smiles at you.
GNA: "Thank you for this interview"
Korris Sprint: "My pleasure. Always happy to answer questions for the media."
GNA: "Now, you've led a very interesting life so far. A military career, and some turbulent civilian enterprises. What made you enter the military?"
Korris Sprint smirks at that as he sits back. He rubs at his jaw a moment, looking slightly amused.
Korris Sprint: "Um, well I was about sixteen when I did so. My father served in the Republic Navy... and I had a wife that was killed in a Rebel attack. So, as you can imagine I was highly motivated."
GNA: "And you rose through the ranks."
Korris Sprint nods at you.
GNA: "You led the sector fleet in a few battles, if our information is correct."
Korris Sprint: "That's correct, while in command of the I.A.S Event Horizon."
GNA: "What made you resign from service?"
Korris Sprint clears his throat slightly and quirks his lips in thought.
Korris Sprint: "Well, I had a couple of them. Primarily though, I had a family, settling down and what not. Adopted son and all. Didn't think it was appropriate anymore."
GNA: "Was it a big change, going from the military to the civilian life?"
Korris Sprint chuckles softly and nods.
Korris Sprint: "Yeah, you could say that."
GNA: "What was the biggest change?"
Korris Sprint: "Hrmmm. The loss of the steady paycheck and some misunderstandings with the Imperial goverment, I think. Actually, I ended up being wanted. But, that's all been cleared up."
GNA: "Which brings us to our next question. Those misunderstandings. What exactly happened?"
Korris Sprint smiles every so softly.
Korris Sprint: "Actually, it was a bit of a mess with an ex girlfriend...."
Korris Sprint chuckles.
Korris Sprint: "They actually took a simple tailor, for a slicer."
GNA: "Who?"
Korris Sprint: "Toshiko Western. Most knew her as Treble, from Vagabond's Rest, and Soul's Peace."
GNA: "And what happened with her?"
Korris Sprint: "Oh, her and I have long sense parted ways. last I heard, she'd setup a little shop somewhere near the core worlds."
GNA: "I mean, what happened to lead to this misunderstanding which did keep a number of people busy tracking you?"
Korris Sprint: "You know, I'm not really sure. I wasn't told. On-going investigation and what not."
GNA: "So, what about the rumors of your involvement with organised crime?"
Korris Sprint blinks in disbelief at you.
Korris Sprint chuckles.
Korris Sprint: "Just that, I'm afraid. Rumors. I worked for a group of moisture farmers on Tatooine for awhile. But, no, organized crime?" *chuckles* "No."
GNA: "After this misunderstanding was cleared, what business did you enter?"
Korris Sprint: "Well, for the last couple of years I worked as a Private Investigator, with some cargo transport on the side. Completely above the bar, so to speak."
GNA: "This sounds rather exotic, in wartime. What are the kind of jobs you did?"
Korris Sprint chuckles softely in response.
Korris Sprint: "Um, as a P.I I did the usual. Tracking suspect unfaithful spouses, run away children. Helped the Telos Security Forces with a kidnapping once... Anyway, couple months back, was hired on by a Private Security Firm, Blackwater Galactic."
GNA: "Mercenaries?"
Korris Sprint: "I suppose you could call them that, sure."
GNA: "Isn't this a big change again?"
Korris Sprint smiles slightly.
Korris Sprint: "Not so much as going from Naval service to Civilian life, no. It's mostly the same sort of work I did solo, but I get a regular paycheck again"
Korris Sprint chuckles softly, smiling politely.
GNA: "So, you're not entering many combat situations?"
Korris Sprint smirks.
Korris Sprint: "Oh, hells no. I try and avoid it at all costs if I can.But, sometimes, y'know? Violence erupts. I'm Corellian, I can't exactly run from it. I'm sure you understand"
Korris Sprint smiles slightly.
GNA: "Yes. So, you were hired by Blackwater Galactic. Who is your boss?"
Korris Sprint smirks slightly and clears his throat.
Korris Sprint: "A young man by the name of Tamman Machman is the local corporate rep. he signs the checks and makes sure all of the paperwork is in order. I just make sure the jobs get done."
GNA: "This sounds like a clerk."
Korris Sprint chuckles politely at you.
Korris Sprint: "We have other nic-names for him, but sure. I'm the one with the military experiance. But he's a fairly sharp cookie. He's got a business mind and what all"
GNA: "So, do you work well together?"
Korris Sprint quirks a small grin.
Korris Sprint: "We have our moments, let's put it that way."
GNA: "Do you like your work?"
Korris Sprint: "Love it to death, actually. I get most of the same perks as I did in uniform, and the hours are better. But, I think the major bonus for me, is that I get to help people."
GNA: "And your family?"
Korris Sprint: "Uhh, well, my son is on Leave from the Navy himself, so I've been spending more time with him as of late. My recent girlfriend and I just decided to go our own ways as well. So it's just Jaeden and I. Work keeps me plenty busy."
GNA: "You have a rather striking record as a leader. Do you plan to form your own company in the future?"
Korris Sprint clears his throat a moment and shakes his head.
Korris Sprint: "Not really, no. I'm fairly happy with the way Blackwater is treating the crew and I, so for the forseeable future I'll likely stick with them. But honestly, I can't say for sure what the future holds."
GNA: "What are you most proud of among your achievements?"
Korris Sprint considers a moment, eyes narrowing.
Korris Sprint: "Y'know, I could say it was the time with the Navy, and all of the criminals, pirates and so forth I helped weed out. But I'd have to say it's raising my son. He's a good young man, in my opinion. I can't think of anything, or anyone that means more to me than he does."
GNA: "If you could do one thing undone that you did, change one action or decision you took, what would it be?"
Korris Sprint blinks at that a moment.
Korris Sprint: "if I could go back and undo something? Oyi, just one?"
GNA: "Yes."
Korris Sprint chuckles slightly.
Korris Sprint: "Hrmm. Damn, y'know, I'd have to say it would be the spice addiction. The poo-doo ruins your life. I was lucky that Treble and Jaeden were there to help pull me out of it."
GNA: "To conclude this interview, Mister Sprint, is there anything you'd like to tell our readers?"
Korris Sprint considers that a moment.
Korris Sprint: "Sure, don't harass the Storm Troopers. Poor men and women of this mighty Empire are just trying to do their jobs, and they have it tough as it is. Shame the way some folks treat them."
GNA: "Mr. Sprint, we thank you for this interview."
Korris Sprint: "Quite welcome Ma'am. Always happy to speak with the media."

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