Thursday, June 23, 2011

Arklem Qeq executed

Date: 230611
Planet: Lok
Region: Red Sands

Story: (Story written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)

According to as of yet not officially confirmed but usually reliable reports infamous pirate leader Arklem Qeq was executed last night in the aftermath of a raid on Red Sands, Lok. So far it's unclear if this means the end of his pirate gang as well, or if one of his surviving men is taking up the reins.

The exact circumstances of the criminal's demise are still being sorted out. Rumors claim that some of Qeq's enemies were recently seen visiting the Palace of Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine while Qeq was said to have been a favored guest of Garubba the Hutt on Lok a week ago, but whether or not this played a part in Qeq's end is impossible to say at this point with the information available.

Qeq has spread his fame wide, having been involved in raids as far as Tatooine and the Ord Mantell system, and being wanted in several systems for piracy and other crimes. He has been evading the law and bounty hunters and even the Galactic Empire for months with skill and luck, until his remarkable career ended last night.

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