Monday, May 25, 2009

Pirate Attack foiled!

Date: 250509
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Two weeks ago the TTC-Starchaser, a light freighter operated by the Tatooine Trading Corporation, had been boarded and hijacked by the infamous Thunder Pirates. Both IMC, which had chartered the freighter, and TTC itself had announced increased security measures for the regular cargo convoys from Tatooine to Ord Mantell. Last week their measures were taken to the test when the TTC-Retribution was attacked by pirates in the Naboo system near the old Trade Federation Route.

The pirates, a converted YT-1300 freighter and a heavy scyk, were faced by the convoy's escort, a TIE Bomber and a Vaksai, the latter piloted by captain Right. In the following battle the TTC-Retribtion was damaged and forced to conduct emergency repairs but both pirates were dispatched - not without losses, though the cargo of valuable ore arrived safely at the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell.

IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.

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