Thursday, November 15, 2007

Suspected spice smuggler shot down

Date: 141107
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Western Dune Sea

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Tonight, a YT-2400 class freighter was intercepted while nearing Tatooine by an Imperial Patrol. When told to stop and prepare to be searched, the freighter tried to run, but was pursued and critically damaged by the TIE Interceptor above Tatooine, crashing on the planet as a result. According to the authorities, the freighter was probably carrying contraband, spice by the lack of energy signatures on a preliminary sensor scan. In order to warn off others, footage of the incident has been released:

The vessel crashed in the Western Dune Sea area on Tatooine. When a recovery team arrived at the site, they found only a burning wreck however - and burn marks of a small shuttle that took off from the site. The cargo of the ship - food crates - was found strewn and partially burned outside the ship, as well as several armored bodies.

Footage from the crash site:

The incident is still under investigation, but scavenger activity supposedly has ruined a lot of the evidence - at least if one believes official sources.

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