Date: 310711
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night more skirmishing took place in Deep Space. While the Galactic Empire dominated the battles at the start, the Alliance forces soon received reinforcements - some claim defectors from the Imperial forces - and started to push back, then beat the Imperial fighters until the tide turned again.
The fighters were supported by a gunboat on each side, allegedly a vigo-class and an incom model, bth of which seeking close combat and exchanging broadsides.
The following records were recovered from the wreckage of a mercenary patrol ship:
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Volans Eridanus party on Corellia a success!
Date: 310711
Planet: Corellia
Region: Eastern Sea
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago the Volans Eridanus party took place, as last year on an expensive luxury yacht, this time on Corellia, in the eastern sea near River Haven. Sonfax the host had organized a dock to facilitate the transfer of guests to the yacht out at sea, and hired the Neutron Pixies and Black noise as entertainment.
Apart from the entertainment guests could enjoy a well-tended bar, cool off in a swimming pool, try their luck at a gambling table and take part in a fishing contest. No violence was reported from the party, though one man fell overboard and had to be rescued during the evening. Not even a short rain shower could dampen the spirits of the party guests.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Eastern Sea
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago the Volans Eridanus party took place, as last year on an expensive luxury yacht, this time on Corellia, in the eastern sea near River Haven. Sonfax the host had organized a dock to facilitate the transfer of guests to the yacht out at sea, and hired the Neutron Pixies and Black noise as entertainment.
Apart from the entertainment guests could enjoy a well-tended bar, cool off in a swimming pool, try their luck at a gambling table and take part in a fishing contest. No violence was reported from the party, though one man fell overboard and had to be rescued during the evening. Not even a short rain shower could dampen the spirits of the party guests.
BWI activities spreading
Date: 310711
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
A CorSec spokesman announced today that the investgation of the attacks by the so-called BWI-Gang have uncovered activities of that gang in several other systems. While not revealing too many details the CorSec officer admitted that the investigation was forced to cover almost the entire sector, and would need the cooperation of several other law-enforcement agencies as well as freelance agents to succeed.
When asked whether CorSec would be stepping up their own patrols in response to the growing pirate threat the officer declined to answer, citing internal regulations who prohibited the revealing of such information to the public.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
A CorSec spokesman announced today that the investgation of the attacks by the so-called BWI-Gang have uncovered activities of that gang in several other systems. While not revealing too many details the CorSec officer admitted that the investigation was forced to cover almost the entire sector, and would need the cooperation of several other law-enforcement agencies as well as freelance agents to succeed.
When asked whether CorSec would be stepping up their own patrols in response to the growing pirate threat the officer declined to answer, citing internal regulations who prohibited the revealing of such information to the public.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
X-Wing shot down by pirates in the Dathomir system
Date: 270711
Planet: Dathomir System
Region: South-West Dathomir
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night an AEG-77 "Vigo"-class gunboat and an escorting X-Wing were apparently attacked by a pirate group in the Dathomir sytem. While the pirates were shot down the escorting X-Wing suffered disabling damage and was forced to crash-land in the southern areas of the planet.

The fighter pilot had been wounded during the ordeal and was under attack by some violent part of the local population, but was rescued by a search party from the gunboat. According to the latest news both the pilot and the rescue team members were undergoing treatment at the medical center in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine.
Planet: Dathomir System
Region: South-West Dathomir
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night an AEG-77 "Vigo"-class gunboat and an escorting X-Wing were apparently attacked by a pirate group in the Dathomir sytem. While the pirates were shot down the escorting X-Wing suffered disabling damage and was forced to crash-land in the southern areas of the planet.

The fighter pilot had been wounded during the ordeal and was under attack by some violent part of the local population, but was rescued by a search party from the gunboat. According to the latest news both the pilot and the rescue team members were undergoing treatment at the medical center in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine.

Ore cargo lost in fight with pirates
Date: 270711
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago the increasingly infamous BWI pirate group struck another IMC convoy. The convoy, consisting of captain Britney's "Sugar Rush" and Captain Alila Tisoni's "Corellia Star", was escorted by an unidentified Gunboat and two fighters and on its way from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion Station when it was attacked in the Corellia System by a pirate gunboat and two fighters.
During the fight the escorting and attacking fighters were soon shot down or disabled, followed by the freighters, while the gunboat exchanged volleys of fire with neither gaining a decisive advantage until the escorting gunboat hypered out.
The ore cargo had been lost at this point, with the cargo bays of both freighters suffering critical damage from stray blaster shots, leaving the pirates without loot as well.
In response to this latest act by the BWI pirates IMC upped the reward for any substantial information about BWI to 50'000 credits and put out the same bounty on any dead BWI gang member.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago the increasingly infamous BWI pirate group struck another IMC convoy. The convoy, consisting of captain Britney's "Sugar Rush" and Captain Alila Tisoni's "Corellia Star", was escorted by an unidentified Gunboat and two fighters and on its way from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion Station when it was attacked in the Corellia System by a pirate gunboat and two fighters.
During the fight the escorting and attacking fighters were soon shot down or disabled, followed by the freighters, while the gunboat exchanged volleys of fire with neither gaining a decisive advantage until the escorting gunboat hypered out.
The ore cargo had been lost at this point, with the cargo bays of both freighters suffering critical damage from stray blaster shots, leaving the pirates without loot as well.
In response to this latest act by the BWI pirates IMC upped the reward for any substantial information about BWI to 50'000 credits and put out the same bounty on any dead BWI gang member.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Man killed in ambush in Dragon's Rest
Date: 240711
Planet: Lok
Region: Dragon's Rest
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last nights the residents and visitors in Drgon's Rest, Lok, were alerted to a ghastly scene of violence when three explosions shook the town. The explosions happened near the shuttleport and were followed by heavy blaster fire - one resident was said to have suffered a flashback to the Clone Wars from the sounds alone - and when the citizens finally arrived on the scene they found one man dead or dieing - there are contradicting reports - in the smoking sands.
The identity of victim, assuming it has been identified already, has not been released so far and the assassins' identities are unknown so far. With the recent conflict between Nym and Garubba the Hutt as well as the on-going feuds among several pirate gangs and competing slavers the list of suspects is long.
Planet: Lok
Region: Dragon's Rest
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last nights the residents and visitors in Drgon's Rest, Lok, were alerted to a ghastly scene of violence when three explosions shook the town. The explosions happened near the shuttleport and were followed by heavy blaster fire - one resident was said to have suffered a flashback to the Clone Wars from the sounds alone - and when the citizens finally arrived on the scene they found one man dead or dieing - there are contradicting reports - in the smoking sands.
The identity of victim, assuming it has been identified already, has not been released so far and the assassins' identities are unknown so far. With the recent conflict between Nym and Garubba the Hutt as well as the on-going feuds among several pirate gangs and competing slavers the list of suspects is long.
Kidnapping in Red Sands
Date: 240711
Planet: Lok
Region: Red Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago a kidnapping took place in Red Sands, this time in the Bathroom of the Commons. A masked humanoid in a red and black duster kidnapped a female twi'lek, using her as a hostage to secure his escape when armed citizen tried to intervene. No one was hurt during the kidnapping, but the fate of the victim, a lethan with bright lekku tatoos, is still unknown as of this date, despite an investigation having been launched.
With lethans a very common target of slavers it's likely that the kidnapping was ordered by a slaver organisation, though even after the death of Aak the toydarian a host of possible culprits, from Jabba the Hutt to local Lokian slaving syndicates, are left, so finding the victim much less rescuing her is still a challenge.
Planet: Lok
Region: Red Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago a kidnapping took place in Red Sands, this time in the Bathroom of the Commons. A masked humanoid in a red and black duster kidnapped a female twi'lek, using her as a hostage to secure his escape when armed citizen tried to intervene. No one was hurt during the kidnapping, but the fate of the victim, a lethan with bright lekku tatoos, is still unknown as of this date, despite an investigation having been launched.
With lethans a very common target of slavers it's likely that the kidnapping was ordered by a slaver organisation, though even after the death of Aak the toydarian a host of possible culprits, from Jabba the Hutt to local Lokian slaving syndicates, are left, so finding the victim much less rescuing her is still a challenge.
Rebel command ships destroyed in Deep Space
Date: 240711
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night two large task forces from the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic met and battled in Deep Space. Both sides focused on taking down the enemy flag ships with coordinated bomber strikes and broadsides from their own capital ships. In that the Imperial forces were successful, destroying three Alliance command ships without their own command ship, a vigo-class gunboat, which was supported by a YE-4 gunboat and a fighter/bomber group and escorted by a fighter group, suffering more than minor armor damage in all three engagements.
The following records have been released by the Sector HQ on Talus and show part of the battle:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night two large task forces from the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic met and battled in Deep Space. Both sides focused on taking down the enemy flag ships with coordinated bomber strikes and broadsides from their own capital ships. In that the Imperial forces were successful, destroying three Alliance command ships without their own command ship, a vigo-class gunboat, which was supported by a YE-4 gunboat and a fighter/bomber group and escorted by a fighter group, suffering more than minor armor damage in all three engagements.
The following records have been released by the Sector HQ on Talus and show part of the battle:
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Explosion claims one life on Nova Orion Station
Date: 230711
Planet: Ord Mantell System
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night an explosion inside his office claimed the life of administrator Narv G. Erzov. According to first results from the investigation a disintegration device went off inside the adminstrator's office when he was going through paperwork, completely obliterating the man and most of his office. The station was not ordered to evacuate since there was danger of a hull breech, though a few visitors still left after the explosion.
An accident has been ruled out according to the authorities, the investigators focusing on pirates as suspects - the administrator has been a proponent of stricter and harsher measures taken against threats to shipping in the past, especially after several XTS ships were attacked and destroyed in the Ord Mantell system. So far no organisation or gang has claimed responsibility for the assassination though.
Planet: Ord Mantell System
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night an explosion inside his office claimed the life of administrator Narv G. Erzov. According to first results from the investigation a disintegration device went off inside the adminstrator's office when he was going through paperwork, completely obliterating the man and most of his office. The station was not ordered to evacuate since there was danger of a hull breech, though a few visitors still left after the explosion.
An accident has been ruled out according to the authorities, the investigators focusing on pirates as suspects - the administrator has been a proponent of stricter and harsher measures taken against threats to shipping in the past, especially after several XTS ships were attacked and destroyed in the Ord Mantell system. So far no organisation or gang has claimed responsibility for the assassination though.
Reek stolen from research station
Date: 230711
Planet: Yavin IV
Region: Labor Outpost
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to a wanted notice from Yavin IV a research station located in the southern jungle of that planet is missing a specimen, a genetically altered reek. The reek, of unusual blue color but average size, was abducted from the research station after an accident caused a breech of security.
So far there are no clues regarding the identity of the criminal responsible for the theft or their motives, though it is suspected that a rival research team is behind the theft.
Planet: Yavin IV
Region: Labor Outpost
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to a wanted notice from Yavin IV a research station located in the southern jungle of that planet is missing a specimen, a genetically altered reek. The reek, of unusual blue color but average size, was abducted from the research station after an accident caused a breech of security.
So far there are no clues regarding the identity of the criminal responsible for the theft or their motives, though it is suspected that a rival research team is behind the theft.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Voyeur in Farpoint Valley?
Date: 220711
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to eye witnesses last night a barefooted man wearing a flightsuit was seen running out of the Starlight Spa, chased by two twi'lek women that were less than fully clothed. Since the sand and concrete the three were running over had been baked by the twin suns of the planet, the chase soon turned rather comical to more sensible observers as all three participants were hopping around trying to avoid burning their feet. The reasons for the chase are not known, though a noted lack of weaponry being used was apparent, so it is likey this was not a kidnapping attempt or a similarly serious affair.
Whether it was a voyeur or a panty thief being chased, it was quite an unusual spectacle for residents and visitors of Farpoint Valley. It is not known if the man - a human by the accounts - was captured or escaped.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to eye witnesses last night a barefooted man wearing a flightsuit was seen running out of the Starlight Spa, chased by two twi'lek women that were less than fully clothed. Since the sand and concrete the three were running over had been baked by the twin suns of the planet, the chase soon turned rather comical to more sensible observers as all three participants were hopping around trying to avoid burning their feet. The reasons for the chase are not known, though a noted lack of weaponry being used was apparent, so it is likey this was not a kidnapping attempt or a similarly serious affair.
Whether it was a voyeur or a panty thief being chased, it was quite an unusual spectacle for residents and visitors of Farpoint Valley. It is not known if the man - a human by the accounts - was captured or escaped.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Another XTS freighter pirated
Date: 200711
Planet: Dantooine System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night another freighter of Xizor Transport System was pirated, this time in the Dantooine System. According to the last radio communication from the ship and its escort it was attacked by a "Vigo"-class gunboat, which destroyed the escorting ships and disabled the freighter before it could hyper to safety, then destroyed the freighter after looting its cargo.

Due to the IFF transponder being scrambled it's not yet clear whether this pirate vigo is the same as one ship of that type that attacked a IMC convoy a few weeks ago.
Planet: Dantooine System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night another freighter of Xizor Transport System was pirated, this time in the Dantooine System. According to the last radio communication from the ship and its escort it was attacked by a "Vigo"-class gunboat, which destroyed the escorting ships and disabled the freighter before it could hyper to safety, then destroyed the freighter after looting its cargo.

Due to the IFF transponder being scrambled it's not yet clear whether this pirate vigo is the same as one ship of that type that attacked a IMC convoy a few weeks ago.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
BWI wrecks convoy
Date: 190711
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night IMC's weekly cargo convoy from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell consisted of Captain Ryian Corons' "Spinning Cloud", Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush", and Captain Zheezah Kanu's "Wandering Wraith". Falcun Nix and Ramona flew escort.
The convoy left the Tatooine system without trouble, but was ambushed at the Talus Secta Hyperpoint in the Corellia System shortly after hypering in. While a scouting pirate Vaksai was engaged and destroyed, the main force of the pirates hit the convoy hard, shooting down and disabling all escorts and freighters within minutes before boarding and looting the "Wandering Wraith", whose crew barely made it into the escape pods.
The pirates escaped before CorSec ships arrived on the scene, but records and testimonies identified them as using the same markings as the ships that attacked the convoy in the week before. IMC upped the reward for any substantial information about BWI to 25'000 credits.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night IMC's weekly cargo convoy from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell consisted of Captain Ryian Corons' "Spinning Cloud", Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush", and Captain Zheezah Kanu's "Wandering Wraith". Falcun Nix and Ramona flew escort.
The convoy left the Tatooine system without trouble, but was ambushed at the Talus Secta Hyperpoint in the Corellia System shortly after hypering in. While a scouting pirate Vaksai was engaged and destroyed, the main force of the pirates hit the convoy hard, shooting down and disabling all escorts and freighters within minutes before boarding and looting the "Wandering Wraith", whose crew barely made it into the escape pods.
The pirates escaped before CorSec ships arrived on the scene, but records and testimonies identified them as using the same markings as the ships that attacked the convoy in the week before. IMC upped the reward for any substantial information about BWI to 25'000 credits.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Undead stowaway spaced?
Date: 180711
Planet: Corellia
Region: Doaba Guerfel
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Jakcen McClure, Captain of the "Rusty Bolt", reported to the CorSec office in Doaba Guerfel that he had killed a stowaway onboard his ship, presumably in self-defense when he was attacked by her with a lightsaber. The "Rusty Bolt" was said to have suffered internal but non-critical damage from the fight and two of the ship's droids were destroyed in the struggle.
Captain McClure further testified that even after shooting the stowaway, a female twi'lek with an artifical leg, in the back of her head he still feared she might return from the dead and hurt him or his crew, so he spaced the body in the Corellia system before continuing his voyage to Doaba Guerfel where he reported at once to CorSec.
Using blood from the captain's DE-10 the stowaway has been identified as "Nyx-Warda Sacora". When asked about the state of Captain McClure's mind given his fear of the stowaway returning from the dead a spokesperson of CorSec answered that he had no known history of mental health problems, but that it was possible that the captain's fear could be the result of mind-affecting force powers having been used on him.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Doaba Guerfel
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Jakcen McClure, Captain of the "Rusty Bolt", reported to the CorSec office in Doaba Guerfel that he had killed a stowaway onboard his ship, presumably in self-defense when he was attacked by her with a lightsaber. The "Rusty Bolt" was said to have suffered internal but non-critical damage from the fight and two of the ship's droids were destroyed in the struggle.
Captain McClure further testified that even after shooting the stowaway, a female twi'lek with an artifical leg, in the back of her head he still feared she might return from the dead and hurt him or his crew, so he spaced the body in the Corellia system before continuing his voyage to Doaba Guerfel where he reported at once to CorSec.
Using blood from the captain's DE-10 the stowaway has been identified as "Nyx-Warda Sacora". When asked about the state of Captain McClure's mind given his fear of the stowaway returning from the dead a spokesperson of CorSec answered that he had no known history of mental health problems, but that it was possible that the captain's fear could be the result of mind-affecting force powers having been used on him.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Imperial transports break through rebel blockade
Date: 170711
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night both the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic sent armed and escorted transports into Deep Space. Both forces met head on and had to defend their own transports as well as to stop the enemy transports. In a pitched battle the imperial forces were successful, shooting down most rebel transports while defending their own.
The following records have been released by the Sector HQ on Talus and show part of the battle:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night both the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic sent armed and escorted transports into Deep Space. Both forces met head on and had to defend their own transports as well as to stop the enemy transports. In a pitched battle the imperial forces were successful, shooting down most rebel transports while defending their own.
The following records have been released by the Sector HQ on Talus and show part of the battle:
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Slaving wookiee killed by former slave
Date: 160711
Planet: Lok
Region: New Dosha
Story: (Written oocly by the player of Wyn.)
Today in New Dosha a wookiee identified as Tarji, a slaver bounty hunter, was found dead. He was discovered with a broken neck and a blaster wound at close range to the back of the head. Those injuries seemed unecessary though as the remains of a meal of vegetables and meat were nearby, laced with a fast acting toxin that ironically comes from Kashyyyk, later identified as Urnsor'is venom.
It is likely authorities would not have found the body except that once again a message was sent about the murder. Sent from the victim's comm.:
*female voice* This is for Lady Chy'na, but i will send it to all of have failed again. I have killed your wookiee. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone. My name is Wyn and I am nobody's property.
Wyn is known as one of Aak's former slaves who, along with fellow slave Sylauria, killed her master and announced it to anyone listening, also using the victims own comm device and contact list. Wyn has been on the run ever since and apparently Lady Chy'na, a known slaver and a business associate of Aak the Toydarian, has put a claim on all of his slaves who claiming authority over all of his business operations.
Wyn is described as a lethan, young calm and well spoken. Aak had made claims that Wyn had been specially bred to serve him and her training, the cost of her schooling, handlers, fitness training, specialized diet, and housing made her one of the most expensive slaves ever. It is unclear then, why someone with such breeding and training would suddenly turn on her master with such violence. Anyone who encounters Wyn is asked not approach her but instead to report the fugitive lethan to authorities. So far Wyn has not been known to target the general public and has only attacked slavers and known associates of slavers.
Another woman was spotted leaving the scene of the crime and is also wanted for questioning. She is human, short black hair, petite, appears to be in her mid 20's. Right now she is not a suspect, but is a person of interest and is wanted for questioning.
The victim, a wookie had been known as a bounty hunter specializing in the tracking of escaped slaves and had been rumored to be employed by Lady Chy'na and Aak. No further information is available at this time.
Planet: Lok
Region: New Dosha
Story: (Written oocly by the player of Wyn.)
Today in New Dosha a wookiee identified as Tarji, a slaver bounty hunter, was found dead. He was discovered with a broken neck and a blaster wound at close range to the back of the head. Those injuries seemed unecessary though as the remains of a meal of vegetables and meat were nearby, laced with a fast acting toxin that ironically comes from Kashyyyk, later identified as Urnsor'is venom.
It is likely authorities would not have found the body except that once again a message was sent about the murder. Sent from the victim's comm.:
*female voice* This is for Lady Chy'na, but i will send it to all of have failed again. I have killed your wookiee. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone. My name is Wyn and I am nobody's property.
Wyn is known as one of Aak's former slaves who, along with fellow slave Sylauria, killed her master and announced it to anyone listening, also using the victims own comm device and contact list. Wyn has been on the run ever since and apparently Lady Chy'na, a known slaver and a business associate of Aak the Toydarian, has put a claim on all of his slaves who claiming authority over all of his business operations.
Wyn is described as a lethan, young calm and well spoken. Aak had made claims that Wyn had been specially bred to serve him and her training, the cost of her schooling, handlers, fitness training, specialized diet, and housing made her one of the most expensive slaves ever. It is unclear then, why someone with such breeding and training would suddenly turn on her master with such violence. Anyone who encounters Wyn is asked not approach her but instead to report the fugitive lethan to authorities. So far Wyn has not been known to target the general public and has only attacked slavers and known associates of slavers.
Another woman was spotted leaving the scene of the crime and is also wanted for questioning. She is human, short black hair, petite, appears to be in her mid 20's. Right now she is not a suspect, but is a person of interest and is wanted for questioning.
The victim, a wookie had been known as a bounty hunter specializing in the tracking of escaped slaves and had been rumored to be employed by Lady Chy'na and Aak. No further information is available at this time.
Biochemist missing in Bestine
Date: 160711
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to sources in the know noted biochemist Morat Vodpiat has been missing since last week. He was a resident of Bestine, generally one of the safer towns on Tatooine, and a noted biochemist.
Having studied and worked in the core his later move to Bestine came as a bit of a surprise, though he settled in quickly and has been working on private projects. According to his neighbours he frequently took short trips, possibly for work or leisure, but did not return from the latest of those. Strangely the local authorites are refusing to comment on the state of this investigation.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to sources in the know noted biochemist Morat Vodpiat has been missing since last week. He was a resident of Bestine, generally one of the safer towns on Tatooine, and a noted biochemist.
Having studied and worked in the core his later move to Bestine came as a bit of a surprise, though he settled in quickly and has been working on private projects. According to his neighbours he frequently took short trips, possibly for work or leisure, but did not return from the latest of those. Strangely the local authorites are refusing to comment on the state of this investigation.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Shipwreck found near Farpoint Valley
Date: 140711
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night a party headed to the oasis near Farpoint Valley discovered a crashed transport on the way. Preliminary investigations revealed that the ship was hit by ion weapons upon entering the atmosphere and was on course towards Farpoint Valley, and that the cargo had been removed from the wreck after the crash.

The identitiy of the ship and its crew as well as the latter's fate has not been discovered yet. While an escape pod has been found as well there were no crew members nearby. There were several armed groups spotted in the ship's vicinity so it's possible the ship's crew was captured or killed on the ground.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night a party headed to the oasis near Farpoint Valley discovered a crashed transport on the way. Preliminary investigations revealed that the ship was hit by ion weapons upon entering the atmosphere and was on course towards Farpoint Valley, and that the cargo had been removed from the wreck after the crash.

The identitiy of the ship and its crew as well as the latter's fate has not been discovered yet. While an escape pod has been found as well there were no crew members nearby. There were several armed groups spotted in the ship's vicinity so it's possible the ship's crew was captured or killed on the ground.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Droids destroyed in West Carova
Date: 130711
Planet: Tatooine
Region: West Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night a large number of combat and other droids gathered in West Carova, near a group of hangars. Whether they were raising some labor demands, threatening the town with violence if their demands were not met, or wanted to raid the town from the start is unclear, reports are conflicting.
However it is clear that the droids were seen as a threat and quickly attacked and destroyed by a large force of armed citzens, visitors and security employees - West Carova has a long history of violent intrusons by raiders so it comes as no surprise that the town can bring a lot of firepower to bear on any external threat.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: West Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night a large number of combat and other droids gathered in West Carova, near a group of hangars. Whether they were raising some labor demands, threatening the town with violence if their demands were not met, or wanted to raid the town from the start is unclear, reports are conflicting.
However it is clear that the droids were seen as a threat and quickly attacked and destroyed by a large force of armed citzens, visitors and security employees - West Carova has a long history of violent intrusons by raiders so it comes as no surprise that the town can bring a lot of firepower to bear on any external threat.
Explosions on the Nova Orion Station
Date: 130711
Planet: Ord Mantell System
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago several explosions happened on the Nova Orion Station. While details are sketchy some witnesses claim that a barfight between a few spacers and at least one person wearing grey mandalorian armor escalated into a firefight during which several grenades and similar explosives were used.
Fortunately most of the fighting took place inside the central cantina area, which is fully enclosed by other areas and therefore the risk of breaching the station's hull was not as big as feared at first. Even so a partial evacuation of the staff was considered while many visiting spacers took flight in their ships.
Planet: Ord Mantell System
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago several explosions happened on the Nova Orion Station. While details are sketchy some witnesses claim that a barfight between a few spacers and at least one person wearing grey mandalorian armor escalated into a firefight during which several grenades and similar explosives were used.
Fortunately most of the fighting took place inside the central cantina area, which is fully enclosed by other areas and therefore the risk of breaching the station's hull was not as big as feared at first. Even so a partial evacuation of the staff was considered while many visiting spacers took flight in their ships.
BWI attacks again - reward offered
Date: 130711
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago the Intergalactic Mining Company sent two freighters with ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell System. After the attack last week the two YT-2400 class freighters, Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush" and Captain See'la Tualin's "Kairn Tol", were escorted by four fighters piloted by Ahl-Vinn, Jolson Kell, Barrenger Fynar and Ramona.
The convoy started the trip without troubles. When the ships entered the Corellia System at the Talus Secta hyperspace jump point though they came at once under attack by pirate ships bearing the "BWI" marks, which likely had been laying in ambush. During the fight some pirates were also still hypering in, which indicates they had other jump points under surveillance too.
In total six pirate fighters were sighted - two X-Wings, two V-Wings, one Y-Wing and one Z-95. All were destroyed in the battle with the convoy and the escorts while one escort ship, Barrenger Fynar's "Krayt Dancer IV", suffered damage that took out his navigation system and weapons, requiring repairs, and another, Ramona's "Flo", suffered armor damage.T he ships continued to Ord Mantell where the cargo was delivered to the Nova Orion shipyards.
So far there hasn't been any information turned up concerning the identitity of those pirates. IMC has put up a reward of 10'000 credits for any substantial information about BWI.
IMC shares rose 1 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago the Intergalactic Mining Company sent two freighters with ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell System. After the attack last week the two YT-2400 class freighters, Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush" and Captain See'la Tualin's "Kairn Tol", were escorted by four fighters piloted by Ahl-Vinn, Jolson Kell, Barrenger Fynar and Ramona.
The convoy started the trip without troubles. When the ships entered the Corellia System at the Talus Secta hyperspace jump point though they came at once under attack by pirate ships bearing the "BWI" marks, which likely had been laying in ambush. During the fight some pirates were also still hypering in, which indicates they had other jump points under surveillance too.
In total six pirate fighters were sighted - two X-Wings, two V-Wings, one Y-Wing and one Z-95. All were destroyed in the battle with the convoy and the escorts while one escort ship, Barrenger Fynar's "Krayt Dancer IV", suffered damage that took out his navigation system and weapons, requiring repairs, and another, Ramona's "Flo", suffered armor damage.T he ships continued to Ord Mantell where the cargo was delivered to the Nova Orion shipyards.
So far there hasn't been any information turned up concerning the identitity of those pirates. IMC has put up a reward of 10'000 credits for any substantial information about BWI.
IMC shares rose 1 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Aak rescued - and killed
Date: 110711
Planet: Rori
Region: Northwestern Rori
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Aak the toydarian slaver has been abducted last week and for a couple of days there was no further information about his fate, rumors even claiming he was dead already. That last rumor was proven wrong recently, but not for long.
From what is known Aak was held by a group of former slaves of his and their friends, who were planning to torture the slaver to death. One attempt at rescuing the slaver was thwarted early on, but others were on the way already, although how many of those had the toydarian's best interests in mind and how many either wanted his business or his life for themselves remains unclear.
Rumor claims that the next rescue attempt was successful since it happened when the captive slaver was being moved to Tatooine. During the ambush Aak supposedly managed to escape on his own while both the ambushers and his former captors fought.
While details are not known or sketchy, it's been confirmed that Aak moved to Corellia and began to both get revenge and rebuild his business, starting with reacquiring his former lethan slaves while his enemies and former partners hid - to no avail, as some found out who had sought refuge by rivals of Aak.
However not all of his enemies hid since ironically Aak was killed soon after recapturing his former slaves, according to one rumor even by them. Whether this was an expertedly planned assassination or just a mistake by his security, or even divine retribution for his alleged abuse of a kiva remains unclear, but Aak's death has been confirmed, the news even broadcast through his own comm to his contacts with the following words:
"I want all of you to know. Me Wyn...this puss bag's former slave, and Sylauria have killed him, your precious Aak is no more"
There are no known next of kin and it is expected that his former employees, partners, slaves and rivals all are currently moving to secure as many of his assets as they can. What became of his body is not known, though in the past many have voiced their wish to mount body parts as a trophy after Aak's death, so parts of him may show up one way or the other.
Aak has led a very dangerous life, dodging assassination attempts and attacks for years, operating under the authority of the trandoshan brotherhood, as were many of his competitors. He had a reputation for ruthless pursuit of profit, and cruel treatment of his slaves.
His business was backed by the imperial authorities, allowing him to publically attend and run slave auctions. Despite this he made many enemies, from rivals to those opposed to the practise of slavery - enemies he usually dealt quite brutally with, if his men managed to capture them. His long success led him to grow quite bold, kidnapping and enslaving people in public and broad daylight no matter the opposition or the occasion.
He was especially keen on recapturing escaped slaves, no surprise seeing his love for credits and his hatred for losing even a small amount of wealth. He was not always successful, though, as his employees were often involved in fights and even accused of murder, and his club becoming the target of attacks by anti-slaver activists and rival gangs. At least once, maybe more often, his own employees turned against him.
No matter the violence he managed to survive all attempts on his life, but his career was cut short for the first time when he was arrested for tax fraud, and imprisoned for over a year until he managed to escape.
He quickly started to rebuild his business, reopening his club, but also made so many new enemies in the process that he was hunted almost constantly and captured several times. Though the wily toydarian always managed to escape, slipping away from his enemies repeatedly, until finally his luck ran out.
Planet: Rori
Region: Northwestern Rori
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Aak the toydarian slaver has been abducted last week and for a couple of days there was no further information about his fate, rumors even claiming he was dead already. That last rumor was proven wrong recently, but not for long.
From what is known Aak was held by a group of former slaves of his and their friends, who were planning to torture the slaver to death. One attempt at rescuing the slaver was thwarted early on, but others were on the way already, although how many of those had the toydarian's best interests in mind and how many either wanted his business or his life for themselves remains unclear.
Rumor claims that the next rescue attempt was successful since it happened when the captive slaver was being moved to Tatooine. During the ambush Aak supposedly managed to escape on his own while both the ambushers and his former captors fought.
While details are not known or sketchy, it's been confirmed that Aak moved to Corellia and began to both get revenge and rebuild his business, starting with reacquiring his former lethan slaves while his enemies and former partners hid - to no avail, as some found out who had sought refuge by rivals of Aak.
However not all of his enemies hid since ironically Aak was killed soon after recapturing his former slaves, according to one rumor even by them. Whether this was an expertedly planned assassination or just a mistake by his security, or even divine retribution for his alleged abuse of a kiva remains unclear, but Aak's death has been confirmed, the news even broadcast through his own comm to his contacts with the following words:
"I want all of you to know. Me Wyn...this puss bag's former slave, and Sylauria have killed him, your precious Aak is no more"
There are no known next of kin and it is expected that his former employees, partners, slaves and rivals all are currently moving to secure as many of his assets as they can. What became of his body is not known, though in the past many have voiced their wish to mount body parts as a trophy after Aak's death, so parts of him may show up one way or the other.
Aak has led a very dangerous life, dodging assassination attempts and attacks for years, operating under the authority of the trandoshan brotherhood, as were many of his competitors. He had a reputation for ruthless pursuit of profit, and cruel treatment of his slaves.
His business was backed by the imperial authorities, allowing him to publically attend and run slave auctions. Despite this he made many enemies, from rivals to those opposed to the practise of slavery - enemies he usually dealt quite brutally with, if his men managed to capture them. His long success led him to grow quite bold, kidnapping and enslaving people in public and broad daylight no matter the opposition or the occasion.
He was especially keen on recapturing escaped slaves, no surprise seeing his love for credits and his hatred for losing even a small amount of wealth. He was not always successful, though, as his employees were often involved in fights and even accused of murder, and his club becoming the target of attacks by anti-slaver activists and rival gangs. At least once, maybe more often, his own employees turned against him.
No matter the violence he managed to survive all attempts on his life, but his career was cut short for the first time when he was arrested for tax fraud, and imprisoned for over a year until he managed to escape.
He quickly started to rebuild his business, reopening his club, but also made so many new enemies in the process that he was hunted almost constantly and captured several times. Though the wily toydarian always managed to escape, slipping away from his enemies repeatedly, until finally his luck ran out.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Skirmishes in Deep Space
Date: 100711
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night naval forces from the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Resto the Republic skirmished in numbers again in Deep Space. Supported and led by gunboats on both sides dozens of fighters struggled for space superiority. While there was no victory for either side the imperial forces managed to hold their own after last week's defeat. Even if they came under pressure and were put on the defensive early on last night as well, they managed to push the Alliance forces back several times and repeatedly take control of the system for a brief time.
The following records have been released by the Sector HQ on Talus and show part of the battle:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night naval forces from the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Resto the Republic skirmished in numbers again in Deep Space. Supported and led by gunboats on both sides dozens of fighters struggled for space superiority. While there was no victory for either side the imperial forces managed to hold their own after last week's defeat. Even if they came under pressure and were put on the defensive early on last night as well, they managed to push the Alliance forces back several times and repeatedly take control of the system for a brief time.
The following records have been released by the Sector HQ on Talus and show part of the battle:
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Aak abducted
Date: 070711
Planet: Lok
Region: Red Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago the infamous Aak, a toydarian slaver, entered Red Sands and was assaulted by a group of his now former slaves and other victims. The toydarian had made the mistake of not bringing any bodyguards, maybe trusting too much in his good fortune after he was recently rescued from Garubba the Hutt's palace by mercenaries from Red Sands.
As it happened others present in town joined in, and the toydarian was mercilessly beaten. The local security intervened, but without much success. The beating only stopped when the toydarian was dragged away by a twi'lek whose family he had threatened according to a rumor.
Aak has been missing since then, his fate remaining unknown so far. According to one report he has been enslaved by his former slaves, others claim he has been or will be tortured to death. Whether this was a retaliation for the kidnapping of a kiva earlier this week is not known, neither is the effect this will have on his slaving business.
Planet: Lok
Region: Red Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago the infamous Aak, a toydarian slaver, entered Red Sands and was assaulted by a group of his now former slaves and other victims. The toydarian had made the mistake of not bringing any bodyguards, maybe trusting too much in his good fortune after he was recently rescued from Garubba the Hutt's palace by mercenaries from Red Sands.
As it happened others present in town joined in, and the toydarian was mercilessly beaten. The local security intervened, but without much success. The beating only stopped when the toydarian was dragged away by a twi'lek whose family he had threatened according to a rumor.
Aak has been missing since then, his fate remaining unknown so far. According to one report he has been enslaved by his former slaves, others claim he has been or will be tortured to death. Whether this was a retaliation for the kidnapping of a kiva earlier this week is not known, neither is the effect this will have on his slaving business.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Kiva kidnapped
Date: 060711
Planet: Rori
Region: Northwestern Rori
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Four mercenaries were reported to have attacked and kidnapped a kiva - a twi'lek priestess - and lethan twi'lek on Rori, shooting down a bodyguard in the process. The kiva was later found stranded on Yavin IV while the lethan's fate is unknown.
According to local rumors the kidnapping was ordered by the toydarian slaver Aak, to discourage the kiva from assisting escaped slaves by providing a safe house and transportation off-world, though it's not sure whether or not the kiva really did help runaways in her temple - which is located less than 3 km from the infamous Club Aak.
Planet: Rori
Region: Northwestern Rori
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Four mercenaries were reported to have attacked and kidnapped a kiva - a twi'lek priestess - and lethan twi'lek on Rori, shooting down a bodyguard in the process. The kiva was later found stranded on Yavin IV while the lethan's fate is unknown.
According to local rumors the kidnapping was ordered by the toydarian slaver Aak, to discourage the kiva from assisting escaped slaves by providing a safe house and transportation off-world, though it's not sure whether or not the kiva really did help runaways in her temple - which is located less than 3 km from the infamous Club Aak.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Mysterious pirate group "BWI" attacks cargo convoy
Date: 050711
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Yesterday another cargo convoy transporting ore for Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell System was formed, like every week. After the attack the week before by a pirate "Vigo" IMC hired two pilots, Traynu and Ramona, both flying Scyks, as escorts. The convoy itself was made up by veteran spacers - Captain Ryian Coron in his YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Britney in her YT-2400 "Sugar Rush" and Captain Alila Tisoni in her YT-2400 "Corellia Star".
The convoy left the Tatooine system with some delay, but suffered no attack. Shortly after arriving in the Corellia system at the Talus Secta hyperspace jump point however the ships came under attack by half a dozen pirates. Sensor recordings from the different ships later showed two V-Wings, two Bellubab-22, one Dunelizard and one X-Wing, all attacking the freighters and escorts.
The lead ship of the convoy, the "Spinning Cloud", came quickly under attack by heavy fighters and took off with them in pursuit while the rest of the convoy had to deal with the remaining fighters, quickly shooting down one Bellubab-22 and one V-Wing. While the "Sugar Rush" and the "Corellia Star" suffered armor damage. The remaining V-Wing disabled Ramona's Scyk but the pirate was destroyed by the second Scyk by Traynu when it swung around to finish the escort off. The disabled fighter then received jury-rigged repairs by the crew of the "Sugar Rush" in time to help shoot down the last pirate, an X-Wing, who was purusing the "Spinning Cloud" as it returned to the convoy. All ships then continued the convoy and reached the Nova Orion Shipyards safely to deliver their cargo.
The pirate ships were all marked with "BWI" on their fuselage. CorSec has no knowledge of any group using that name and concluded that it was a previously unknown or new pirate group. So far there is no information about the group's size and capabilities, but travelers to and from the Corellia system are adviced to be on their guard and keep an eye out for any ship showing such markings.
IMC shares rose 1 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Yesterday another cargo convoy transporting ore for Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell System was formed, like every week. After the attack the week before by a pirate "Vigo" IMC hired two pilots, Traynu and Ramona, both flying Scyks, as escorts. The convoy itself was made up by veteran spacers - Captain Ryian Coron in his YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Britney in her YT-2400 "Sugar Rush" and Captain Alila Tisoni in her YT-2400 "Corellia Star".
The convoy left the Tatooine system with some delay, but suffered no attack. Shortly after arriving in the Corellia system at the Talus Secta hyperspace jump point however the ships came under attack by half a dozen pirates. Sensor recordings from the different ships later showed two V-Wings, two Bellubab-22, one Dunelizard and one X-Wing, all attacking the freighters and escorts.
The lead ship of the convoy, the "Spinning Cloud", came quickly under attack by heavy fighters and took off with them in pursuit while the rest of the convoy had to deal with the remaining fighters, quickly shooting down one Bellubab-22 and one V-Wing. While the "Sugar Rush" and the "Corellia Star" suffered armor damage. The remaining V-Wing disabled Ramona's Scyk but the pirate was destroyed by the second Scyk by Traynu when it swung around to finish the escort off. The disabled fighter then received jury-rigged repairs by the crew of the "Sugar Rush" in time to help shoot down the last pirate, an X-Wing, who was purusing the "Spinning Cloud" as it returned to the convoy. All ships then continued the convoy and reached the Nova Orion Shipyards safely to deliver their cargo.
The pirate ships were all marked with "BWI" on their fuselage. CorSec has no knowledge of any group using that name and concluded that it was a previously unknown or new pirate group. So far there is no information about the group's size and capabilities, but travelers to and from the Corellia system are adviced to be on their guard and keep an eye out for any ship showing such markings.
IMC shares rose 1 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Imperial Task Force defeated in Deep Space
Date: 030711
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night the Imperial Sector Fleet suffered a serious defeat in Deep Space. A task force sent to deal with a rebel build-up was decimated decisively. While the Sector Fleet HQ did not comment on the battle inside sources claim that the cause of the defeat was not so much inferiour numbers, but inferiour tactics and communication within the task force.
The following records were taken during the early part of the battle and released for public distribution by the sector fleet headquarters:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night the Imperial Sector Fleet suffered a serious defeat in Deep Space. A task force sent to deal with a rebel build-up was decimated decisively. While the Sector Fleet HQ did not comment on the battle inside sources claim that the cause of the defeat was not so much inferiour numbers, but inferiour tactics and communication within the task force.
The following records were taken during the early part of the battle and released for public distribution by the sector fleet headquarters:
Friday, July 1, 2011
Pirate attack on XTS freighter
Date: 010711
Planet: Dathomir System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night a freighter in the employ of Xizor Transport System was lost in the Dathomir System. While details were not revealed the freighter was reported to have been lost with all hands aboard following an attack by an unidentified AEG-77 class gunboat, despite a strong escort being present. The fate of the escort ships is not known either at this point.
An XTS representative did neither comment on the destination of the lost freighter - whether it was headed to or from Dathomir or just pasing through - nor on the cargo of the freighter, but stressed the need to take further precautions against piracy.
Rumors speculate if this incident is related to the recent loss of another freighter on Dathomir, or the attack on the IMC convoy.
Planet: Dathomir System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night a freighter in the employ of Xizor Transport System was lost in the Dathomir System. While details were not revealed the freighter was reported to have been lost with all hands aboard following an attack by an unidentified AEG-77 class gunboat, despite a strong escort being present. The fate of the escort ships is not known either at this point.
An XTS representative did neither comment on the destination of the lost freighter - whether it was headed to or from Dathomir or just pasing through - nor on the cargo of the freighter, but stressed the need to take further precautions against piracy.
Rumors speculate if this incident is related to the recent loss of another freighter on Dathomir, or the attack on the IMC convoy.
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