Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Suicide cult ambush in the Dathomir system?

Date: 270911
Planet: Dathomir System

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)

Last week patrols reported an engagement between several ships including medium freighters or patrol boats in the Dathomir system. From what is known a "Vigo"-Class medium freighter was ambushed by several snubfighters and larger vessels when scouting a local asteroid field for valuable mining opportunities.

The fight went badly for the attackers, who lost most of their ships in a fierce fight. Strangely the survivors did not retreat but self-destruct, causing authorities to suspect that a fanatical cult is behind the attack - Dathomir is said to be home to several religious fringe groups with fervent adherents. No further details have been revealed so far though.

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