Monday, December 20, 2010

Life Day Dinner in Jiwarri's Diner

Date: 201210
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Yesterday Jiwarri threw her traditional Life Day Dinner Party, this time in her Diner in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. The Diner itself was traditionally decorated in the style of Kashyyyk. Among the guests enjoying the great buffet were Amandiona , mayor of New Kestic, and Kimisei Bythmi, mayor of Farpoint Valley.

Before the dessert buffet - a delicious spread of sweets of all kinds - was opened the traditional firework display was launched outside, to the delight of the audience watching from the nearby starport.

Afterwards Jiwarri sang an old Song from her home planet while the guests enjoyed the dessert buffet. Finally a not-so-closely guarded secret was lifted when Jiwarri's brother Leafbacca and her manager Ylurra used the occasion to make their relationship public. So far no date has been set for a wedding - yet.

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