Sunday, August 1, 2010

Task Force Mauler mauls rebel fleet

Planet: Dantooine System/Deep Space

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Last night the Imperial Navy sent a massive fleet - Task Force Mauler, built around 4 YE-4 gunboats and one "Vigo"-class flagship and supported by over 20 starfighters - to the Dantooine system to hunt down rebel capital ships. With the defenders outnumbered and the imperial forces concentrated the Empire's task force soon had the upper hand.

For over one hour the task force hunted down rebel ships, killing several rebel gunboats and fighters, until the remaining rebel forces withdrew to Deep Space. The tak force gave chase however and continued to search and destroy rebel capital ships in Deep Space for another hour. While several starfighters were lost only one Imperial gunboat was shot down during the whole operation.

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